Feb 05, 2008 23:00
Hello~! I'm back! Hehe, bet you didn't even notice I was gone, huh?! I needed a new dress because apparantly I'm getting fatter ;______; my other one was getting too small. Nash and Toma and I just got back from Vinay del Zexay, but we used Lady Viki's mirror to make it a quick trip. What an amazing device! It's just as neat as my brother explained it to me!...er, well...despite the miscalculation of sending Toma's hat off somewhere..um, if anyone finds a big silly straw hat, let me know, all right?
Though, it's not as if he even needs it anymore, with his Queen's Knight apprentice outfit! *she puffed her chest out proudly* And now with my Queen's dress back, we both look so official, don't you think? Maybe now I wont get any more 'queen?! you're too young!' Augh, it's so strange to be in a country where people don't even know who I am...
Well, despite the PEEPING TOM-ERY few mishaps, I really....had fun!
character: lymsleia