As some of you might have noticed (something easy enough, I'm afraid) I've recently become engrossed with Sherlock. It totally took me by surprise, too - certainly enough, I loved the first season, but I never gave it a second thought until this Christmas, when I started getting excited for the second season. And wow, it was even better than what I was expecting. I can't stress enough how good it is, the plot, the characters, the relationships. Or maybe it just hits all my quirks, all I want in a series. So these days I've been rambling to everyone about it (so many FEELS!!), hoping for my own pocket version of Martin Freeman, drooling over Benedict and his gawkiness and his horseface and his everything ("well yes mum, I guess he is kind of attractive" -poker face-), searching for fic, watching retarded youtube videos that make me love them even more and generally not studying as I should. Oops? It has also made me gain back the appreciation for british accents (I mostly find them hilarious, blame my teachers and doctor who) lol
I know this fandom is temporary - I've had several during the years, but it feels nice to have a new fandom. There is a certain kind of adrenalin rush that you only get while fangirling, and I love it. How you want to be active, you want to share, how happy and sad it can make you feel. Fangirling is my drug, and I missed getting addicted.
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