Credit goes to
spn_appreciate for this entry, although really I should have done this ages ago considering how many fics I have tagged in my
So here goes:
Month of Open Doors and Salvation 'verse by
eighth_horizon with additions by
maygra: I found this series when I was mulling over how I could really go for an epic, novel length story in a newer fandom, like Supernatural or Veronica Mars. And ye verily, I found the Month of Open Doors and its accompanying future AU Salvation 'verse, and damn but they're good. Open Doors begins with a possessed Dean (rather than Sam, which I enjoyed especially in light of BUABS) and follows with amazing interaction between the brothers and an original, compelling mythology. Salvation 'verse picks up with scattered snapshots of the brothers' futures based on the events of Open Doors, but always with the knowledge that things turn out happy for our boys. Angsty, funny, hot, and clever, this series is a must read.
Of Bastard Saints by
nilchance and
beanside: While on the theme of Possessed!Dean and novel length stories, Of Bastard Saints is another must read. I found this one via
spnfic_podcast and the except had me searching for the rest of the story. (Incidentally, the first chapter of Open Doors is also at
spnfic_podcast and read by the author; I highly recommend it.) Although Bastard Saints might not have Possessed!Dean in the strictest sense, Dean isn't quite himself, which makes for a roller coaster of an AU Season 2. Better yet, Bastard Saints includes pitch-perfect Sam and John and a kick ass final showdown against various and sundry hell beasties. This is one of those fics that I sometimes mentally confuse with canon, because it's (more) plausible and so well written.
Morgantown by
ignipes: Another well-plotted longer story with solid characterization. The official summary: "The boys learn that they have been making quite a name for themselves in the hunting world, and what looks like an ordinary job turns out to be anything but routine when they encounter old friends, old enemies, and unfinished business from the past." Morgantown reunites Sam and Dean with Pastor Jim and his wife, and includes excellent original villains plus bonus brother snarking. Also, Sam gets to use his mysterious mental powers, and I'm a sucker for Sammy's spoon bending in fics. Morgantown could easily be an episode, and I hold out hope we'll always get episodes as well done as this fic.
And a bonus short, funny fic, because length and angst does take its toll:
Friday Night by
minkmix: John's dead tired from a hunt but Sam's not home and Dean's keeping watch at the window with binoculars and popcorn...Just another Friday night growing up as a Winchester.