Dec 03, 2007 23:55
I always forget about Livejournal.
Schools almost done for the semester. Then, only three more semesters to go. (hopefully)
We're having a rager for New Years Eve. If you want to come, tell me. Or I'll probably kill you and not let you in.
Its formal.
I'm procrastinating on my final research paper (40% of my grade). I have about 8 pages done. I have about four more to go, plus creating a FAKE survey, an annotated bibliography (so gay), a conclusion page, my complete analysis plan, and a regular references page.
School is fun. (wayne world comment in 3.. 2.. 1..) NOT!
I want to watch that instead of write this lame ass paper on sexual portrayals on television and our attitudes/actions in real-life sexual shit fuck from gay t.v.
Speaking of TV... Heros tonight... oh man. Did anyone watch it and cry because its over for a long time? cause I did.
Well. I'm tired now. Fuck it.