[Game: freebies] tattoo13, starmen07, alive07 and a five stars coin.
[Game: moogle match] antihero09 and a star coin.
[Game: card puzzle] calm06, millennium02 and a star coin.
[Game: puzzle] deltahalo07, fonons15 and a star coin.
[Game: rotating game] tvirus13, ablibidum03, hourglass20 and two star coins.
[Game: trivial trivia] pokémon08, keyofdestiny09, redwings13 and two star coins.
[Game: tic tac toe] guilty20, hourglass06, a character coupon and two star coins.
[Game: pick a hero!] wildhorses01 and a five stars coin.
[Game: medium puzzle] valmar08, gaia11, puzzle70 and two star coins.
[Game: war!] trigger15, ancientrelic01 and unfading03.
[Game: whowha?] greencap05, sengoku08, a series coupon and two star coins.
[Game: hard puzzle] spectre03, queenshope20, flowergirl04, puzzle71, a series coupon and three star coins.
[Game: extreme puzzle challenge] conquer03, starmen08, biowinter11, emblems15, lightwarriors07, heroofwinds08, hoenn02, deltahalo07, raider08, justice02, tidusxyuna10 a character coupon, two series coupons and a ten stars coin.
[New decks] starmen16, windsnocturne20 and butterfly01.
[Doubles trade-in] my ancientrelic01, deltahalo07, exdeath14, inabayama15, magnus13, scions02, tears11, dream15, driftinghigh08, nomercy02, wildhorses01, wildhorses05, wildhorses14 for fuuraiken13, redwings02, party12, rosewater17/19, exdeath, justice10, dream07/08/16/18, everywhereyougo02 and taste08.
[Trade] my myst04/12/14/18, silence20, crisis19, ancientrelic03, amala15 and lifestream20 for
Erelen_Mangurth's fonons04/07/13, heroofwinds11/13/20, mercenaries20, stones01 and twilight01.
[Trade] my hoenn01, kanto16, vector11, ps301 and legendary04/12 for
Mirraya's fonons11, heroofwinds03/10/15, mercenaries15, stones04 and twili16 .
[Level up] challengers16, prophecy09, sky11, friend20, wildhorses04/17, purification05, loan07, memorized19, trigger14, queenshope13, darkforce04, arcadia12, ash13, wolf14, loveandwar11/20, twili03/04/06, mercenaries03/04/06, talesof02, three five stars coins and a ten stars coin.
[New decks] ark14, baseballbat04, scarlethand02, holodrum08, nurseryrhymes16 and meteor01.
[News post: wishing well] mercenaries07.
[Game: freebies] mercenaries09, magnus09, loveandwar04 and a five stars coin.
[Game: moogle match] dysentery17 and a star coin.
[Game: puzzle] phoenix17, galaxy08 and a star coin.
[Game: card puzzle] giygas08, keepsake04 and a star coin.
[Game: trivial trivia] artifact10, inabayama12, brawl17 and two star coins.
[Game: tic tac toe] tattoo04, chronicles14, a character coupon and two star coins.
[Trade] my halloween05, poring01, baseballbat04, party05/12/16, rhombulans06, zombies01 and member card for
Megumi's ipside10, fonons14/20, heroofwinds16, stones09/14/16/20, twilight08/10 and member card.
[Game: collection agency] donated conquer03.
[Trade] my id20, lions05 and time01 for
Meeks's stones11, brawl19 and darkness13.
[New decks] altercode19, symphony02 and colossus01.
[Trade] my littlesisters18 and member card for
Kristi's flipside20 and member card.
[Game: freebies!] blacksmith16, lightwarriors11, alive20 and a five stars coin.
[Game: moogle match] nemeton18 and a star coin.
[Game: puzzle] sin01, calibur08 and a star coin.
[Game: card puzzle] valmar09, challengers06 and a star coin.
[Game: rotating game] twilight12, infection15, sky16 and two star coins.
[Game: tic tac toe] summoner17, outbreak15, a series coupon and two star coins.
[Game: slots] hume12, ico07 and summoner04.
[Quest: becoming a newb] pillarofautumn10.
[Game: medium puzzle] faerie11, vector20, puzzle72 and two star coins.
[Game: card puzzle] kanto01, fun08 and a star coin.
[Game: war!] wolf11, esper09 and lunarvale19.
[Game: slots] plissken17, scarlet hand04 and tears08.
[Game: whowha?] kongquest09, swordian14, a character coupon and two star coins.
[Trade] my tattoo01/04/12/13, mist03, artifact10 and member card for
Aseriana's mercenaries13, stones17/18, heroofwinds07/14/20 and member card.
[Trade] my redcrayon04 and ebonystone09 for
Anita's flipside12 and fonons01.
[Trade] my starmen07/08/16, giygas08, stars05/17/20, starroad13, alive07 and member card for
Annalissa's brawl09, cruxis03, flipside17, fonons02/09, inhale10/14, mercenaries08, twilight07 and member card.
[Game: the hunt for the sun goddess] id02, trials05, outbreak08, a series coupon and three star coins.
[Card exchange] my dream18, everywhereyougo02 and taste01 for the exchange's shiningarmor09/10/11.
[Colossal coupons] three series coupons for mercenaries11/12/19.
[Guild wars: event 01] ash08, goldrings04, infection01, musou04 and twili07.
[Mastery: mercernaries] twili08, chronicles16, fortuna08, loveandwar20, a character coupon and a five stars coin.
[Donation: regular deck] twili19, starmen10, godseal15, greencap12, a series coupon, a five stars coin and three star coins.
[Trade] my iwanttobreakfree10, raccooncity06, tsukihime20, monsters22, pokemon08, red03, wildhorses14 and member card for
Erelen_Mangurth's brawl01/03/11, cruxis18, flipside15/16, twili13 and member card.
[Game: heart container] starmen04, mundus05, exdeath03, tvirus19, unfading14, universe14, prophecy14, fullthrottle08, four star coins and two five stars coin.
[New decks] 7thheaven17, baton19 and kart03.
[Trade] my roses05/11, loveandwar04/11/20, ideya03, biowinter03/08, calm03/06/07, mitochondria14, revolution06, wark04 and member card for
Dite's inhale03/11, flipside06/08, fonons03/06/10/16, twili09, twilight14/15/20, brawl11, talesof06 and member card.
[Game: slots] gaia17, heroofwinds04 and plungers18.
[Guild wars: event 03] cloudxaerith03, greencap05, scarlethand17, twili09 and wrench11.
[Game: freebies!] supers05, rhombulans15, loveandwar10 and a five stars coin.
[Game: word scramble] mitochondria17, baton19, devil10 and three star coins.
[Game: moogle match] greencap01 and a star coin.
[Game: puzzle] tattoo15, uwaoo20 and a star coin.
[Game: tic tac toe] redshell18, wanderer19, a series coupon and two star coins.
[Game: card puzzle] faerie11, sky10 and a star coin.