Heeeheee.. I have a PhD in horribleness too!! ^^
On another note, senior portrait went well. Until, you know, friends showed up, were like, "OMG. Where have you been? We haven't hung out with you!!!112132onetwothreefive!" Thankfully, it was raining and I told them I had to go before it got worse. Then, they were all, "OMG. BREAKING DAWN IS COMING OUT!!1!!?!? IT'S GONNA BE SOOO AWESUM!!" o.o Um, yeah, I guess. You have to look past the bad writing and the bad messages (telling 12-year-old girls that deferring college to get pregnant/married at 18 is not good), I guess it's a good book. Oh. Forgot the scary pedophile image (True love = newborn? O.o;;;;). No offense to any of you Twilight lovers, I'm just not a fan. :/
Anyway, while, I was talking to them, I kinda felt like I'd missed something. It was odd. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be sad or not, but I don't think I am. o_O;
MIT's app is supposed to be up today, but their site is down for "maintenance" right now. x_x; I do need 3 months to work on that app. Put it up! x_o;
OSP not working. Don't know why. Can you Facebook me the RP, Puff?