Jan 04, 2011 05:20
Sigh, I'm not really sure why I chose to write in my livejournal just now. I don't really have anything in particular I want to write about. To be honest, my eyes have been a little fuzzy lately, and just looking at the computer screen has become slightly painful. I turned down the brightness, but my eyes are still fuzzy even when I'm not looking at the screen. It would really suck if I was going blind, but I think it's just from watching too much tv on my computer. I got a nice little 5 day vacation from work, and I pretty much spent the whole time watching every episode of "the office". Yep, every damn episode. Why? Because I don't have any friends. That's not an entirely true statement. I do have friends. I just don't have any friends here in Minnesota. When I moved back here I was dating Dez, so all my friends were just people I knew through her. As time passed, and I finally started to see Dez for how horrible of a person she was, I also saw what kind of horrible people her friends were. A bunch of drug addicts and thugs. People I don't really wanna associate with.
I decided a while ago that I'm gonna move back to Portland. All my friends are out there, and I just enjoyed life a lot more while I was living there. The only thing that sucks about this big move back to PDX is that I have to wait until the end of March to move. I was actually supposed to move out there back in October, but then my appendix went and got screwed up and I had to have it removed. So I ended up having surgery, and I've been paying it off out of my own money because I wasn't eligible for health insurance through my work. Something around $7000. It's been a lot of fun paying that off for sure, but I've almost got it completely paid for now. Plus, I've been able to get some nice stuff for myself since I have a really good paying job for once in my life.
Life seems to be all up and down lately. Some days it feels like everything is gonna be alright, and other days I just seem to hate the world. The only thing I can really do to make myself feel better at this point is to think about how things will get better when March comes around, and I can get the hell out of Minnesota and back to Portland.