Feb 08, 2005 06:26
well tomarrow is the big day, im so fucking scared, im going crazy!!! i feel like my entire world is a million miles away and no matter how hard,and fast i run ill never make it.....i feel helpless and lost.
i reely dont think im over dramatizing this cause after all, this is verry serious. ive tryed to forget for so long that she even had to have this surgery,and now the day is almost here! this sux ass big time!
ive never loved anyone the way i love jamie,she is my reason for wakeing up every wreched day in my once meaningless life. she gives me meaning and purpose. a reason to say "that razor can wait another day"were getting married in a few months, thats all ive ever wanted was to marry her, now why would i go and fuck that up....whos not stupid..(points to self)..this guy!! i keep getting these flashes in my brain of her laying on a table with Dr.Satan working on her back, i love that guy....but he needs to stay the hell away from muh baby!! goddamnit!!im just so ready for all this to be over with,where i can hold her and keep her safe again!!!...............GODDAMNITFUCK!!!!!!!!