(no subject)

Feb 18, 2006 02:45

so ive been talking to this guy online, and i thought he was really wicked, the same as me... you know... lacking self confidence, shy, accepting... turns out not so muhc the truth, met up with him tonight and i realised how shallow he is.. expecting some fit skinny girl with a pretty normal face, with a bubbly personality... sorry if im shy, fat and not normal looking.... i dont even want to talk to him cause he made me feel so shit... i mean normally i would be fine with just mates but thefact he seemed a little bit more interested then when i met him fiopped just goes to show how fugly i am, and how shallow he is... i totally made himself out to be something else, and i fell for it... and now im just feeling lame, like a piece of shit that no one cares about just becuase im not beautiful.... i miss my ex, he thought i was beautiful in my own way... i thought this guy would be the same after all the crap he fed me... but aparently not... just a mate... im always just a fucking mate.. i wish i was pretty and hot and beautigul to more to someone. someday... im just not going to bother, i wasnt before and i got my hopes up.. but everyone is the same... im never good enough...for anyone.... i wish i was...
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