I'm new here.
Just needed to gibber at someone tonight.
I hope that is allowed.
I have to stop this.
"It seems that you have a terrible anxiety." He pushes up his glasses, frowning.
I can't hit the bottle every time I say something stupid.
Everyone says stupid things sometimes.
No one is perfect.
How can I be so concerned with perfection?
It is completely ironic.
Really. It makes me laugh, which would be a positive development if it didn't generate so unsettling a feeling.
I can not continue to let a dismissive comment reduce me to tears, a fetal position on the floor in a public restroom. Drunk.
I was drunk. I think that perhaps drunkenness initiated that particular episode.
It's because I love him, that is why.
No random stranger could affect me so.
I am stronger than that. At least I have retained something.
Later he tells me that I'm crazy.
I don't have any illusions, I say.
I have illusions of illusions, he says.
He says that I invent most of the persecution that plagues me.
I don't.
I understand human nature.
Most people choose to ignore it.
And, sweetheart, it really is that bad.