Apr 15, 2009 02:57
Okay I am really hyped right now because I literraly just got back from the venue, but I was happy to finally find out how to get on the internet so I am just going to post this right now.
So basically I arrived in SF around 3, got to the hotel around 4, then me and Bloo walked to see if we could find the venue from the hotel. We found it of course and asked if we could pick up our tickets right then and there, Bloo were #28 and #29 -w-. I had absolutely no clue who #1 and #2 where because they went to eat. So we basically just talked to everyone there and had a great time. Then #1 and #2 showed up and it was none other then my friend Pandy and Victoria. I ran over to give Pandy a giant ass hug and we basically talked for the rest of time in the line. Oh yeah! Shaina and Jordan were also there!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Best reunion ever.
So when we finally got in, Jordan ended up dragging me to the railing (even though I really was not suppse to get it >> <<) so I was right thurrrrr. And guess who was right in front of me? YUUUUUUUUKIIIKIII! Of course I cry upon realizing this. When they came on stage I began bawling again.
Blah blah blah, they basically played the same set list for our show too. (there might have been an extra song I do not know) I am just going to tell you all the highlights.
The band signed this cookie monster puppet and threw it into the crowd which started a riot.
Miku looked terrified and very guilty for causing it.
Yuuki finally gave me the heart sign back towards the end -w-.
Miku's donald duck puppet sodomized my donald duck.
I caught Miku's water bottle during one of the encore songs.
I got to shake Yuuki's hand and tell him thank you.
Jordan was pissed because the people were all trying to push to get into the group picture so he said "OH HELLL NAH!" in which Miku immated him and said "oh heeeeeelll nah" back (best part of this whole thing imo rofl)
Miku came back for the encore with his fly open to which we told him it was open and he exposed himself to us. Well, not really he just opened it more and it was either his undies we saw or some silk pants underneath his first pair.
Getting to physically touch all of the band members hands and say thanks (cept for Teruki ; A;)
an cafe san fran