Poolside In Guatalahara

Jan 27, 2006 22:27

I have always hated painting my nails yet i continue to do it; i think its the artist in me, like im obsessed with 'decorating' myself...lol and most usually end up peeling it off...

feeling very musical...have been since i got my damn hifi-stereo (hehe "hifi" thats sooo 80's) radio to work (stupidly i'd missed out on 24/7 music due to the fact it didnt occur to me for 6weeks to plug the aerial into some weird clip at the back...Derrr)

In the realms of boredoom I took some online "memory test" in prior knowledge that 'i'd probably get the obvious "goldfish memory" results', and i ended up cheating by trying to scroll back a page and fuking up the whole thing!...that just speaks for itself...haha
Also some online "If You Were A Dog, What Breed Would You Be?" questionaire and turns out im a Chihuaua...

I have this young chick friend, Avril who lives near me and the other night i joined her and a group of her 15 and 16 year old friends, while we got drunk and smoked bongs i was regailed with amazing stories of orgies and chemical drug taking along with many other sordid affairs...then one of Avrils drunk friends broke my car key in half trying to open a bottle of wine, causing me to nik her fake I.D till i am compensated...dont fuck with me...Lol it was funny we were trashed...

im at home on a fukin friday nite...my 'potential' is working at a mates restaurant and...meh im poor...
this calls for pancakes! with baked banana and walnuts...Hmuwahahahahahahaha.........these fuken 'subliminal messages' on the pc im using while my laptop got friend are tripping me out...i think my stepdad purposely programmed "i dont want a cigarette" , "i want to be active", "i will do well" especially for me...what a sneaky fucker...

Sooo, the lessons of life are slowly learnt...pfft...(gotta stop doing that - that "pfft" thing...its very annoy-ing)...yet i, currently am quite mellow...and for your information all i need is a couple of inflatable palm trees, a salt shaker full of cocaine and a dwarf in a tux serving me cock sucking cowboys...
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