Feb 11, 2004 02:19
when you need help and are to prideful to except it it can come back to hurt you later , sometimes people offer their help becuse they care and they want you to feel better. so if someone ever offers you help you should take it. because you never know just might happen you might end up feeling better. even i can understand not wanting to except help its difficult for me to except help but when all had fallen and the sky looked as if it was going silently into the night i excepted it and now i feel a hundred times better not just from what caused the my world to end but everything all of a sudden became clear for the first time in a long time.Now after 5 yrs of my life being one big roller coaster its stable and im happy well maybe not totaly stable but aside from one or two things life is good and it was help from my friends that did it so of course i will help a friend when they need it even if they dont want it i will help even if i have to bribe them to get me to help them i will.