First, I got an A in my finger spelling. We're done early and she just emailed out the grades. I missed one question on my final.
And now...onto the real point
Seasons of Love - ASL And one for Jeff...
Hot and Cold XD
Also, after my finger spelling final three of us from the same ASL class, a CODA (and cousin to one of the girls in my ASL class) and the teacher's terp were all standing in the hall talking. Before the CODA and the Interpreter came out I asked the one girl if she ever got sick of talking and just wanted to sign. She said yes, this made me feel better because I've had days at work where I just don't want to talk anymore and just want to sign away. I like when our Deaf customers come in because I can sign to someone and they'll understand me, rather than trying to teach my manager new signs all the time. I can't make sentences with her, I just use a word or two like "wash coffee (pot, but she doesn't get that)" or "bathroom" or "water". I mean, the point gets across...but I like signing whole phrases.
I must say though, I'm amused with how fast Dyno picks up on this. I started using lone signs (short abbreviations in finger spelling - like "job" turns into "jb", or fax/fix is "fx") and he's actually picking up on them. He's started using ok. He likes it because the way you do it looks like you're flicking the word at someone.
Anyway, back to the other train of we're all standing out in the hall and we're talking and signing while we talk. None of us are deaf or hard of hearing. We're just chatting away. Teacher walks out, we all wave goodbye, she looks at us signing and talking and shakes her head, smiles and walks away. It was amusing. It's hard to watch someone sign and walk least when three people are walking together, maybe not so much when it's just two, I dunno.
So yeah...that's my asl geekery for now.