So, to distract myself I construct a post on my tattoo. While I've pretty much gotten the Raven one down...I have this thing with not getting the actual tattoo for awhile after I've finished the design, at least with something like the raven one. Also, I want the first tattoo I get (because if I can only have one, I want it to be this) for my grandfather.
The original idea was to be a cardinal with some bars of On Eagles Wings, a Hymn we used to sing in choir together when I was little. But I wanted to expand a little before I decided... so give me your opinions on this.
The optimal placing for this would be my ankle, just FYI
Idea 1:
Cardinal perched on bars of
On Eagles Wings. While not my grandfather's favorite song, we sang it together and it was at his funeral. It was also my favorite Hymn. I really don't like any of the lyrics, so I was thinking of the bars of music.
Sheet music here I'm not sure which part I'd get, I'm not in love with any of them really.
Idea 2:
April's take on my original. I was telling her today that I found
this cardinal which is less realistic, but I'm drawn to. With this, I'd like it with a banner and words, I just think it fits with the style. Obviously, it wouldn't be the exact bird...just in that style. Anyway, April suggested "And I will raise you up" for the text. I like this idea. Original song wording would be "And He will raise you up (on eagles wings)". I'm not sure if that would be a shot at my Grandfather's faith. I don't mean it that way, nor do I perceive it that way... but it's something to consider.
Idea 3:
Cardinal with
Let there be Peace on Earth lyrics, which is what my aunt becky says his favorite Hymn was (Susan says it was Ave Maria, but I don't like that song) and my favorite lines from this are "Let peace begin with me let this be the moment now. With every step I take, let this be my solemn vow." and I would probably use part or all of that.
Jamie's suggestion (although probably unbeknownst to him) is the Reclaiming spiral dance chant, Let it Begin "Let it begin with each step we take, and let it begin with each change we make, and let it begin with each chain we break". A more pagan twist on the idea.
All of these are neat ideas. So, comment and criticize (gently)...because this is permanent. This is the tribute I want to make, I just need help fleshing it out. I think I've settled pretty much on what I want...but I want opinions.