Children of Men is probably the most difficult movie I've ever had to sit through. And its not that its bad, or overly long, or poorly acted, or whatever. Its probably the most...fully realized movie of its kind since Blade Runner, at least in the sense that it paints a grim and uncertain future, but does so without dazzling us with special effects or whiz-bang prognostication.
That and the fact that the last thirty or so minutes are the most emotionally charged thirty minutes ever put to celluoid, in my humble opinion. Its like watching your wife and child up against the wall, waiting for the firing squad to ready aim fire.
The movie is sheer fucking genius and I wish there were twenty or so more directors like Alfonso Cuaron.
And by the way, I'm fucking with this Picasa thing on Google. Kinda cool and definately cheaper and betterer than Apple's .Mac offering. Here's a link to my Picasa thingy. Show me yours and I'll show you mine.
My Favorite Shots