Oct 17, 2009 12:05
Woke up and things started getting better. Michaels called and I have a job interview tomorrow. I applied for framing, but looks like I'll end up as stock boy, which is ok I suppose.
Also my old friend Heather from high school randomly asked to hang out. Sounds good I guess, but I feel like these things always blow up in my face. I never know what to do with people.
Waiting to come up with some more relevant painting Ideas still. I Thought perhaps I'd make another version of that life size self portrait, but in oil and develop the ideas a little further. I feel there is some potential in all the Bergman I've been watching, but nothing is really materializing.
ON an unrelated note, I was sitting around trying to think of when my film snobbiness started, because I definatly used to be a dumb kid, who went to watch dumb kid comedies all the time. I think it started when someone rented Fight Club at a sleepover. It was the first movie I liked for non superficial reasons. After the night was over everyone whined that it was retarded, and I was completely shocked and defended it. Pi I think I saw soon afterwords, and loved how stylized it was. Granted neither of these are really amazing, and ow a LOT to Taxi Driver and Eraserhead respectively. It was around this time that I took art history with Scholz and learned to appretiate the content of things more. Modern Lit also helped in this regard too I suppose, but I think I was already into a lot of this buisness. I feel if more people took Art History or paid attention in English class they would know what content is a little more. I think that's the main problem with the entertainment audiance right now. No one understands how to read a film, or expects anything that's not immediatly presented on the surface. It doesn't even cross their mind.