Things have been soso over here.

Nov 14, 2005 01:03

I saw Elizabethtown. Definitely the best movie I've seen in a while. I think I'll probably relate to it even more in 5 years. Can't wait to give it a re-watch on my new iPod video.

I am not looking forward to going back to Tulane, except to see Jenny. She's the best. I miss hugging her for hours. I remember one day we ended up driving all the way to the Florida panhandle. Crazy, crazy day. Ended up staying at a HoJo and got sick from the tenders we ordered via room service.

'I will be there for you, until the day I die. ' - Jenny.

Well, things have been going great in Austin. I had a hamburger today with the Kacer. Sarah Lacy came over to my apartment to give me back my iPod cord. Turns out that she has a UTI. I gave her a few gallons of cranberry juice. I'm probably one of the most giving people that you will ever meet. She's a great girl. Love her to death.

Kevin Yeh and I sat around and talked today. It's great to open up to some one. I think things are perfect when soul meets body, and then that product meets mind. Atleast that's what Jenny used to always say about laughing at tragedy or crying about something else or something. I'm not quite sure.

Catie A. never calls me. She's changed.

Can you believe that Tulane is actually doing that cruise ship thing? Check out the blue print at

Does any one know what Ted Hall has been up to? He never returns my phone calls. I was in Dallas today to watch the MLS Championship game with Kace. It was pretty fun. Soccer specific stadiums are perfect for United States soccer. I can't wait til we win a World Cup. I will throw a brick through a car windshield of downtown New Orleans, as I take the Langy semester.

Megan L. has disappeared from the face of the earth. I talked to her a few times this summer, but now she is probably busy with a new BF in New York.

Nicole Heigh has also let me down. Sometimes I just expect from people, then they let me down even though it's not a big deal. I just wanted her to go to a soccer game between the US and Scotland. Right now she is in Scotland. It would have meant a lot to me if she had gone, but she didn't. She said it was too much money. She also said "I don't have an Old Navy flag t-shirt."
Sometimes I miss her, but I know she is doing what is best for us. Nico: If you are reading this, I love you and I'm sorry about our past. You deserve to be happy and I hope we can work this out. Have fun in Oslo this weekend.

Kunal is in my fantasy league. His team is putting up some great numbers. I see him having a big season after he makes a trade to enhance his team. Definitely a great pick up of Jason Kidd.

Has any one been watching the Spurs? I love Tim Duncan. He's definitely my fave. Jenny loves the Pandas. She had the opportunity to hang out with a few of the New York Knicks, but she declined, since they weren't champions.

I am glad Proposition 2 didn't pass. Gay people generally don't deserve anything more than me, just because I am straight. Am I wrong?
Voting is just a pain in the ass, anyways. I mean, who actually counts votes! Right? Definitely not the people working the booth. If they had a real job, they would probably be doing that instead of telling me to take off my 'God Abhors You' button that Kevin Yeh gave me.
It's just important that old people look out for themselves. Young people treat them poorly in most places like retail outlets, food stores and restaurants. Especially while driving. It's good that they are able to conserve power when it comes to politics.

I heard Kunal's stuff is fine. Phew.

Well, I can't wait to be back at Tulane. I also miss: Maureen Iverson, Jenna Leslie, Mirell from Estonia, Greg Barton, Patrick Kat, and Kyle "Jesus" Louie. I do not miss: Will Mc and Megan "bad friend" Lubaszka. Right now they are basically the same person to me. Except Megan probably couldn't organize a bad ass senior prom.

Sarah Belt is doing great, too. She finally cut the umbellical cord that fed JEN Sanchez. Itwas about time. Jen is a bad person, and doesn't do anything positive for any one. all she really does is talk shit about posicore, and that's def not the kind of person you want in your life. I applaud Sarah Belt.

I went to a party with Ann and Nedra this weekend. Those are some crazy girls. I had never really hung out with a black girl like Nedra, but she is totally bomb assed, so it all worked out. Overall, Ann threw a great, great party, and pretty much all of Austin was there. We listened to that Saves the Day song about becoming Fireflies.

Bridget and I listened to Hey Mercedes with Matt J. Sarah came in late. Vagrant is alive and well in the hearts of many college students.

Leslie Stinson is also in good spirits, too. She is about to hit her peak years. Unfortunately, she had an intense Friday night so Saturday night was more calm. I'm proud of her for knowing when to say when.

Well I better go finish my business proposal. This is goin to be a good one. I love drinking bottled water. Any one else?

'Yeah, I'll burn for you tonight.'

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