(no subject)

Nov 06, 2005 13:38

why the fuck does this shit always happen to me. yeah last nite waz so brilliant, i didnt even want to go out in the first plce. my apparant friends left me when i went to the toilets at the paramount. they knew i had no money or way home. apparatly i told them i waz going home...ok then i never even said that once. im so upset, im so angry i really dont know what to do.. i spent 4 hrs in the paramount toilets crtying. and when i came out this really nice girl came and talked to me and tried to give me $20 and i told her no way waz i taking her money. but she forced it into my hand and said she waz a christian and just remember how god waz there for me. and she belives wat goes around comes around..and then i just started crying again and she hugged me and walked me out. but i then realised that waz not near enough for a taxi..so i sat on the ground hoping to share a taxi with sum1...but no1 waz going south. anyway these randoms hoo were going north of the river gave me a lift..so i payed them the $20. but man i never thought that these 2 would do that to me. i know otheres would but not them....man i must be such a fucking hopeless emabrassment...fuck i dont know what to do anymore.
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