the more that you follow me the more i get lost

Dec 21, 2008 20:45

two more days. two more days of winter. two more days of work. two more days of christmas lunches, christmas parties, christmas wishes. on tuesday night me, evan and ethan are boarding a plane that’s gonna fly us all the way to santo domingo, where we’re gonna spend our first christmas in the warm. we’ve been talking about it for so long now and, after saving and pondering, we decided it was now or never. we made the sensible decision of not buying presents for our friends - we’re going to host a party when we get back to make up for the lack of generosity (and to show off our tans!) - and decided to spend our hard earned money to do something we always wanted to do. we’re gonna stay at an all inclusive resort - which means there’ll be lots of drinking and eating. i’ve bought some new pretty bikinis - which is all i’m planning to wear for the next two weeks. i’m really happy to be spending time with evan and ethan - it’s been so long since we actually did something together.
a’s joining us for the second part of the holiday. we’re gonna be together 24/7 for six whole days for the first time since we’ve gotten together so we’ll see how it goes. but how could anything go wrong really? we’re gonna be in paradise after all.
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