The Bible was written by man and not god. What constitutes that man can understand the notion and morality of god IF said god exists? His mere assumption through faith? That would still be, at its core, just an assumption man has made about something it cannot understand.
If god is omnibenevolent, couldn't hell be considered in conflict with the notion of divine mercy? Then again, suppose that god's morality is from a higher source? Suppose that only god can truly understand god's reasoning and morality? Would this not dismiss the Bible from being of sound construction since it was in fact written by man; a being without the capacity to understand something such as god?
Also, I'm sure you know that King James decided to take it upon himself to leave out significant texts from the Bible. Therefore, not only was the Bible constructed by man but, altered by man throughout history. One has to question why something such as this was done in the first place.
My point is, the Bible is inconsistent. Man and man alone says that the nonbeliever "...will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the majesty of his power." God did not write the Bible and therefore it is not god's word. It is man's word about god; a being in which they do not have the capacity to understand.
I'm not saying you're right or wrong. Your opinion is entitled to you and I would like to stress that. I welcome the fact that you defend your religion. I'm asking these things only be taken into consideration.
However, would you say that you personally "obey the gospel of... Lord Jesus."? Saying you believe is simply not enough to reserve a spot in heaven. Surely, as a Christian, you have extensive knowledge of this fact. I am in no way making claim that you are a "half foot in" Christian or even stating criteria that would imply what that might be. I have no interest in what makes a good Christian. To me, it's irrelevant. I'm merely covering ground.
So, back to my original question, what would he prefer: the honest nonbeliever or the person who believes for personal gain?
If god is in fact, all knowing, all powerful, and all good, why would he punish the person who honestly doesn't believe. Seemingly he would KNOW the fate of each individual and be POWERFUL enough to prevent one from being PUNISHED to hell. Would an all GOOD god PUNISH someone for sincere ignorance if nonbelievers are in fact ignorant?
Free will you say? No you didn't but, you would have if not for the preemption. Question: If god is omniscient, how is free will a possibility? If god knows what we will do, how do we have the choice to do... well, anything? This also can't be possible if our lives are predestined. If everything happens for a reason and god is aware of this grand plan, surely he knows the actions and motions we will take to get to that final point on the time line? Also, say free will DOES exist. What if I choose to, hypothetically, murder an innocent child. If god is all powerful, why not stop this terrible act? If he doesn't, wouldn't that also contradict the idea that god is all good?
Going back to your original question, I gave you the answer to your question in black and white straight from the Bible - as are ALL of the answers to the questions you are asking if you'd bother to read all of it.
With that said, I understand you're questioning the validity of the book itself but I'm nowhere near a historian, just as you aren't, so I'm not gonna talk out of my ass. All I can say is the answers are there, take it or leave it.
But seriously though if everyone thought the way you do, and we all do sometimes, we'd just kill ourselves. What would be the point of waking up if we have nothing to believe in?
That couldn't be farther from the truth. The point of waking up is waking up. What more do you need? Life holds the meaning that we INDIVIDUALLY give it. It means that we have a sense of moral duty and responsibility and not that we should sit back with our religious crutch and say, "its in god's hands." In fact, it is in our hands. If your religion is meaningful to you it is because YOU have given it meaning. Not because it has external meaning. I may not be a historian however, I do care enough to know from the point of which I argue, whether my opinion differs from yours or not. I'd try Albert Camus, he's insightful and easier to read if you're interested. You'll find more names associated with his school of thought if you bother to read him. I'm no longer willing to put it on a plate for you as I have done for the brunt of this discussion.
However, shouldn't you become a historian concerning the Bible if living for god is truly all that matters. Devoting one's life to something shouldn't be taken lightly. Wouldn't someone see it as important to be near scholarly on the doctrine pointing them in the direction of eternal happiness if they believed it existed? After all, as you said, it holds all the answers. One would be a fool not to ingest every word am I right?
In lieu, we all engage in immorality from time to time. I'm sure you won't deny that. I could be wrong and you might be close to sainthood these days. It can't be certain from here and I won't make the assumption that it is. Your religion is a bit more stringent than mine though. My point here is that, in the view you claim, Hell is the risk immoral acts run.
I don't have an alternate ending. Thus I am free; meaning I am responsible for my own morality, happiness, hell, etc. It's all on me and that is more reason to live than any religion could give hands down.
As far as accepting lackluster and vague answers from a book written hundreds of years after the death of Jesus, from folklore and stories passed down VERBALLY, of what MIGHT have happened or MAY have been said over the ENTIRE course of one man's life, I'll leave it. I've read the Bible. I know what it says. I have a copy. I refer to it frequently. My argument does come from somewhere but it most certainly isn't my ass. Life isn't merely a matter of black and white, right or wrong. Life is complex and in many different shades of gray. I'd say that's the problem with your argument and what makes it weak to say the least. I'm not sure where you live but where I sit, it isn't 2 dimensional. Maybe you shouldn't be so quick to pass judgment? I'm certain you can find that in the Bible.
Haha who's passing judgement? Way to throw everything I said out of context to make yet another directionless point. However, I do agree with your opinion that one should ingest every word of their religion - not to determine whether it's fact or fiction but simply to know their God better.
Keith I think it's great that if anything you've found something you're passionate about. There are a few books I've read on the same topic I could suggest to you that I think you'd really enjoy but they're in boxes since my move. Anyhow, have a great week it was fun debating.
I certainly didn't mean to make any judgments on a personal level if you may have taken anything in that context. I was only trying to elaborate on the foundation of my points. I admit I have a tendency to inappropriate my arguments and certain statements should be taken tongue-in-cheek. In keeping with my usual self, these statements are nothing less than what one should expect from me but, I digress.
As far as my point lacking direction, obviously, that is in the eye of the beholder. I wouldn't say that scaffolding constitutes lack of direction. I wouldn't say my argument strayed any farther than a Bible quote. I personally see it as a vague allusion and a cope out. Finding something in the Bible is not enough to sway the mind of an Atheist. If you really wish to make your point clearer to the Atheist, you must use a bit more reason. Remember that we live by what is around us and not by mysticism. Understand that to me, the validity of your quote is as good as a book from the Harry Potter series. It might be interesting but, not championed fact. It's a fiction book and should not be used as a basis for living or gathering an opinion. As NO fiction book should be taken as an actually account of history. So, with that being said, witches and Disciples look an awful like to me. Both are characters in a story.
To make your Bible quote valid you would first have to prove the validity of its authors, the validity of the actual events depicted, and an existence of god. I haven't seen you do any of this. I'll save you the trouble of trying though... its an impossibility. That is unless you have a time machine or a crystal ball. In that case, I'd like a peek into yours because mine is broken. Again, I digress.
You have a good weekend also. Debate is always welcome.
If god is omnibenevolent, couldn't hell be considered in conflict with the notion of divine mercy? Then again, suppose that god's morality is from a higher source? Suppose that only god can truly understand god's reasoning and morality? Would this not dismiss the Bible from being of sound construction since it was in fact written by man; a being without the capacity to understand something such as god?
Also, I'm sure you know that King James decided to take it upon himself to leave out significant texts from the Bible. Therefore, not only was the Bible constructed by man but, altered by man throughout history. One has to question why something such as this was done in the first place.
My point is, the Bible is inconsistent. Man and man alone says that the nonbeliever "...will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the majesty of his power." God did not write the Bible and therefore it is not god's word. It is man's word about god; a being in which they do not have the capacity to understand.
I'm not saying you're right or wrong. Your opinion is entitled to you and I would like to stress that. I welcome the fact that you defend your religion. I'm asking these things only be taken into consideration.
However, would you say that you personally "obey the gospel of... Lord Jesus."? Saying you believe is simply not enough to reserve a spot in heaven. Surely, as a Christian, you have extensive knowledge of this fact. I am in no way making claim that you are a "half foot in" Christian or even stating criteria that would imply what that might be. I have no interest in what makes a good Christian. To me, it's irrelevant. I'm merely covering ground.
So, back to my original question, what would he prefer: the honest nonbeliever or the person who believes for personal gain?
If god is in fact, all knowing, all powerful, and all good, why would he punish the person who honestly doesn't believe. Seemingly he would KNOW the fate of each individual and be POWERFUL enough to prevent one from being PUNISHED to hell. Would an all GOOD god PUNISH someone for sincere ignorance if nonbelievers are in fact ignorant?
Free will you say? No you didn't but, you would have if not for the preemption. Question: If god is omniscient, how is free will a possibility? If god knows what we will do, how do we have the choice to do... well, anything? This also can't be possible if our lives are predestined. If everything happens for a reason and god is aware of this grand plan, surely he knows the actions and motions we will take to get to that final point on the time line? Also, say free will DOES exist. What if I choose to, hypothetically, murder an innocent child. If god is all powerful, why not stop this terrible act? If he doesn't, wouldn't that also contradict the idea that god is all good?
With that said, I understand you're questioning the validity of the book itself but I'm nowhere near a historian, just as you aren't, so I'm not gonna talk out of my ass. All I can say is the answers are there, take it or leave it.
But seriously though if everyone thought the way you do, and we all do sometimes, we'd just kill ourselves. What would be the point of waking up if we have nothing to believe in?
However, shouldn't you become a historian concerning the Bible if living for god is truly all that matters. Devoting one's life to something shouldn't be taken lightly. Wouldn't someone see it as important to be near scholarly on the doctrine pointing them in the direction of eternal happiness if they believed it existed? After all, as you said, it holds all the answers. One would be a fool not to ingest every word am I right?
In lieu, we all engage in immorality from time to time. I'm sure you won't deny that. I could be wrong and you might be close to sainthood these days. It can't be certain from here and I won't make the assumption that it is. Your religion is a bit more stringent than mine though. My point here is that, in the view you claim, Hell is the risk immoral acts run.
I don't have an alternate ending. Thus I am free; meaning I am responsible for my own morality, happiness, hell, etc. It's all on me and that is more reason to live than any religion could give hands down.
As far as accepting lackluster and vague answers from a book written hundreds of years after the death of Jesus, from folklore and stories passed down VERBALLY, of what MIGHT have happened or MAY have been said over the ENTIRE course of one man's life, I'll leave it. I've read the Bible. I know what it says. I have a copy. I refer to it frequently. My argument does come from somewhere but it most certainly isn't my ass. Life isn't merely a matter of black and white, right or wrong. Life is complex and in many different shades of gray. I'd say that's the problem with your argument and what makes it weak to say the least. I'm not sure where you live but where I sit, it isn't 2 dimensional. Maybe you shouldn't be so quick to pass judgment? I'm certain you can find that in the Bible.
Keith I think it's great that if anything you've found something you're passionate about. There are a few books I've read on the same topic I could suggest to you that I think you'd really enjoy but they're in boxes since my move. Anyhow, have a great week it was fun debating.
As far as my point lacking direction, obviously, that is in the eye of the beholder. I wouldn't say that scaffolding constitutes lack of direction. I wouldn't say my argument strayed any farther than a Bible quote. I personally see it as a vague allusion and a cope out. Finding something in the Bible is not enough to sway the mind of an Atheist. If you really wish to make your point clearer to the Atheist, you must use a bit more reason. Remember that we live by what is around us and not by mysticism. Understand that to me, the validity of your quote is as good as a book from the Harry Potter series. It might be interesting but, not championed fact. It's a fiction book and should not be used as a basis for living or gathering an opinion. As NO fiction book should be taken as an actually account of history. So, with that being said, witches and Disciples look an awful like to me. Both are characters in a story.
To make your Bible quote valid you would first have to prove the validity of its authors, the validity of the actual events depicted, and an existence of god. I haven't seen you do any of this. I'll save you the trouble of trying though... its an impossibility. That is unless you have a time machine or a crystal ball. In that case, I'd like a peek into yours because mine is broken. Again, I digress.
You have a good weekend also. Debate is always welcome.
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