Jul 13, 2007 18:31
The Jain Vow of Ahimsa... The vow of non-violence.
Jainism makes a decent amount of sense to me. Its pure and humble... as far as I know now. There is no belief in a supreme being involved and I like that. It encourages knowledge, mental strengthening, and science and education. You have to be vegeterian however most choose veganism due to dairy farm cruelty. I like that too. It states that "non-violence is my religion" taken from actual sacred Jainist text. This non-violence includes not only violent acts towards others and other life but also violent, harmful acts to oneself. It also includes refraining from ill thoughts.
There are a few things I'm unclear on. Reason being, I am not yet as well read on the subject as I'd like to be. Also, most religions have some sort of built in bullshit set to oppress a certain gender or race or species no matter how peaceful and pious it appears from the outer shell. So I need to do much more research.
What I don't particularly buy into is the theory that all religions related to Jainism seem to base on... Karma and reincarnation. I just can't buy into the fact that we go through many different lives inhabiting different bodies along the way in an attempt to become enlightened. I buy into that just as much as I buy into heaven and hell. It just doesn't hold any water with me.
No orgainized religon, period, will ever completely satisfy in my mind. They all have their faults and their mystic nonsense pinned on like a tacky button. I think its important to be educated on all religions and to take the best attributes of each, the ones that you can see eye to eye with, and try to incorporate them into your own beliefs. There is no set way to do this and that is for certain. No one has the correct answer and if they say they do, they are mislead, or a boldface liar. For example, Jainism has good qualities such as non-violent behavior. It promotes religious tolerance which I think is important no matter what you may believe. Be it Atheist, Christian, Islamic, whatever, we all have to live in this world. We don't have a choice in that. What difference does it make that two people believe differently? Does it make anybody less of a person for having an opinion or different faith? No it doesn't. A few orgainized religions need to figure that out and cut the shit already. They aren't martyrs, they are morons. They aren't pious, they are pathetic. They are exactly what their religion tells them not to be. They are hypocrites in ever sense of the word.
I believe it goes...
beating with the book everyone the book told you to love.