Jun 22, 2007 13:35
Nothing is more annoying than hearing someone who is not fat constently talk about how fat they are. I would rather hear complete arrogance than someone poor self image. What in the hell makes people think the way they do? Seriously. I am so lost on this sometimes that it is fucking mind blowing.
That little voice inside your head that says things like,
"you're too fat,"
"you're worthless,"
"you can't do that,"
"you aren't good enough,"
THAT VOICE is your inner retard. Don't listen to it because it has Down's syndrome. We all have one and trust me, mine has never said anything viable. FUCK YOU'RE INNER RETARD! Would you take anything to heart if a retard came up and told it to you? Of course not because retards are crazy and talk nonsense.
If you are unhappy with the way you look, then work hard to fix what you don't like but don't gag yourself to do it. Its called exercise and a healthy diet. It isn't that hard. Cut back on the sweets a little and throw some veggies into the mix. A few months and you've got that shit on lock!
If you are happy with who you are and you think you look great then fuck yeah! Who cares if you weigh 200 lbs. As long as you are content then to hell with everybody else.
Don't do it for society. Society is full of morons, fads, and "here today, gone tomorrow" trends. This country cares too much what everyone else has to say. They take idiotic trends and "standards" and let those things completely rule their life. Tell me, are you happy obsessing over these things? Is it making your life any more meaningful to put yourself down and be so self-critical?
It can't. Live for yourself, make a difference somehow, and fuck the rest of it. None of that shit makes a difference when you're dead and you won't have the chance to do this again so I would probably make the best of it. Life isn't fair, we all look different, we all think differently, and no one is superior despite popular opinion. Get used to it and get over it.