New Years like wtf?

Jan 01, 2009 20:58

Dana took me to a party her boyfriend's friend Phil was having in Tom's River and whoa, it was awesome. All good people, all good conversations and drinking. Unfortunately my fun was dwindled by my acid reflux acting up (note to self: don't drink orange vodka ever again). It was definitely a confidence booster because I was the honey and lots of bees/guys swarmed me like whoa. It seemed no matter where I went there at least one followed after me. Real good confidence booster... made me realize I may actually have something to offer and that my efforts to remain attractive aren't going to waste. Morning after was pretty good too. Phil cooked everyone breakfast and I eventually passed out at Dana's because I spent the entire sleeping hours of the evening talking to a guy named Chris. It was awesome and I really enjoyed meeting new people that were all pretty chill. ^.^
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