Jul 03, 2005 18:42
so friday was a lot of fun. i met steve at 8 30 after he got off work and we went down to summerfest. we got free tickets from his mommy which kicked major ass. anyways, so we walked around for awhile and i thought it would have been awkward cuz it was just me and him but we actually had a good time. we went on the sky gliders and this girl was freaking out and wanted to be my best friend. it was kind of scary. then we saw crossfade at 10 and they fucking rocked. they played every song except for 'the unknown' which made me kinda mad cuz i love that song, but all in all it was an amazing show and i sang my lungs out. afterwards me and steve walked around more and just chilled. we left around 12 and i went back to my dad's and chilled there since he was out of town. saturday i moved my drums to steve's house cuz we're starting a band with tommy hopefully. that should be fun. then i had work at 4 30. that was interesting. i worked with zach and we had quite an interesting conversation about some stuff. anyways, i got out at 11 30 and then went to bed. i worked again this morning with this new guy george and he's quite the douche. he's THE ultimate slacker and he steals quite a lot when no one's looking. i hope he gets caught. anyways, i'm in good mood lately. my mom took the kids up north til wednesday and i have the house to myself. how much does this rock???? and i have off work til thursday. anyone wanna party?! haha. tonight is kind of fucked up. this chick that i work with is paying me to sit at her house with her cuz she doesnt like being home alone at night. it's only for a few hours until her roommate gets back from a wedding, but it's still retarded. she's like in her late 20's and she can't stay by herself?? oh well. i get free smokes and money. i can't say no. tommorrow should be fun. zach(from work) is supposed to come over and we're gunna........"chill." and smoke up harcore. should be awesome. woo. tuesday i wanna see seether at summerfest and i want someone to go with. i could always go with my dad and his gf buuut if anyone would like to join me instead that'd be hot. wednesday i was invited to go to six flags with struebs, keith, erin, sheraden, and becca. that should be weird cuz i havent hung out with any of them in a long time. we'll see how that goes. yeah im excited though. anyways, im gunna go shower. peace.