Code entry: Suspcious
Password: XXXXXXX
First note, I have updated my computer system with some files the Doctor has sent me, it has upgraded spy services, hacking, and for some reason I can't fathom, gives me a better sound system. A shame I was taught never to question my superiors.
Summary: Questionable concerns of the Doctor, but have upgraded system fully.
Secondly, to the largest problem. For a rounded count of 64 days, assumedly, I have been what one can call, 'unaware' of their surroundings. I shall begin my assessment.
1. With my routine quickly established in the Giga House residence, I did nothing unusual in the prehand week before falling into this state of unawareness. I drank no alcohol, ate no unusual foods, and spoke with people I deemed harmless to a point.
Summary: This may be attested to a new threat.
2. My room shows no signs of struggle, everything is as I left it. All my files are safe and secure, but an oddity, there is no dust on my room shelves or desk. Meaning someone has been in here frequently, or at least recently to clean. The air does not smell stale and musty, but if anyone regular were to have cleaned in my room, would they have not shifted something in the least bit?
Summary: Unusual signs point to a paranormal factor, or someone very skilled. I wager to the second testament.
3. I am physically unhurt, and emotionally stable and can detect no changes in either form. The only change in my abscence of conciousness is the large tattoo marking my skin, between shoulder blades and waistline, directly center of my form.
An oddity: If I have not moved nor used my muscles in 64-odd-days, would my strength have not diminished? I have no recollection of a struggle, a fight, or any moment of wakingness between December the 13th, till now.
Summary: Physically I am normal. Mentally I am stable. The only change is the marking.
End summary: Something obviously happened to me, but it does not seem to have affected me thus far. I function at normal levels and have no recollection to pain or a struggle.
Could this be someone's very bad idea of a joke?
Final summary: I must report this occurence to the Doctor immediately, and proceed with testing of blood stream and an anatomy check. The first I can perform easily myself, the second I must be helped with.
I am... confused. And afraid.
I dislike these emotions, whomever has caused them upon me will suffer.
Session ended.
Ending code: 2-15-06/17-24