Went to Pride yesterday.
Photos It was fun. I met this girl, Chloe, a few days ago via Tumblr and since we were both going to Pride we decided to meet up there. So I met her and some people she knew, and I was hanging out with them for a fair amount of time. See, Sarah was there with Regan, and...yeah it definitely made me feel like a third wheel.
Anyway, the alcohol was cheap; $5 for beer and $6.50 for premixed spirits (e.g. Rum & Coke).
A friend of one of Regan's friends asked for my MSN because she said she thought I was cute, so...yeah haahha fun times. And I now have no credit because I was texting her so much.
I went out to The Beat later that night. I went over to Melanie's first and had two drinks there, and I had about 5 or 6 drinks at The Beat. Yet I didn't get even buzzed. I think it was probably because I had had dinner before Melanie picked me up to go to hers.
One of Melanie's friends, Sarah (a different Sarah to mine ahah) came with us. She went to our high school for Senior so I did know her. Though for the last year of school and last year as well she was a complete bitch to me, and I have no idea why. So I was a bit apprehensive when I found out she was coming out with us. But it was okay; she was nice and friendly to me so hopefully she's gotten over whatever problem she had with me. At one point she was sitting next to me at The Beat and this guy kept talking to her, and she told me to pretend I was her girlfriend so maybe the guy would get the hint and leave.
Melanie came over to me once and said that she'd just spent the last five minutes getting Lavinia's permission to kiss me. So she did and I was pretty confused as to why she did it.
Yeah so I didn't get drunk, so I don't have any form of hangover. I did have two cigarettes last night; I haven't had one since Polly's party, and that was a while ago now.
I had to get up at 8am yesterday to be able to get to the place where we were meeting up for Pride on time, but I ended up waking up around 6:30am, and I decided to get up then. So I was at Pride, then The Beat later that night, then we ended up getting back to Mel's some time after 4am. So I was awake for about 22 hours. I woke up around 9am, so I've had about 5 hours sleep.
I am feeling a little bit tired right now, but it's not too bad.