Bloody hell...

Jun 26, 2010 22:07

... It's been 2 months since I last updated? Jeebus...

Hm, where do I start? My computer being dead might be a good start... That's the main reason why I haven't been on here in a while... Some kind of... I dunno what's happened, it just seems to reset itself whenever I attempt to do anything on it... Not good... So I've been using my dad's laptop on and off for now... Mostly to check World Cup results, but yeah, the parents are busy watching a movie at the moment, so I have time to do an update on here...

My dad said he'd go halfs on a new computer, 'cos he wants to use a new PC for a security camera... Even though he's gone and bought himself a new Mac with a giant screen... And an iPhone 4...

In other news, a month or so ago I applied for a job in Gamestation... I saw a sign up for a part-time job, thought "Why not?", popped in a CV he next morning, got an interview, which took 15 minutes to start, and then... Didn't get the job...

They did say that I interviewed well, but it was 1 job, and 30 or so interviewed... I thought I was a good prospect, 2 years retail experience, every current-gen console apart from the DS... I bet the guy/girl who got the job has a DS... Ah well, guess I'm still stuck in Saunadrug... I mean Superdrug...

What else... World Cup! It's been pretty damn interesting so far... I got like, a wall chart and everything... I've always been a die-hard France fan (After England of course), it was disappointing seeing them do so badly after their 2nd place finish in '06... Mexico are a decent team, South Africa had home-field advantage... At least they didn't lose to Slovakia... Har-de-har, Italy...

England are gonna have a -really- hard time, since they came second in the group stage (Damn you USA and your stupid late goal!)... If we do beat Germany, we'll more than likely play Argentina... If they lose, it'll probably be either Spain or Portugal next... And -if- we even get -that- far, an England vs. Brazil final isn't out of the question... Jesus Christ. Good luck, you guys.

So yeah, tomorrow's game against Germany, European Grand Prix, after a British 1-2 win in Canada, and then Top Gear's back! Best. Sunday. Ever.

Unless England lose... And the McLaren's crash...

Anyway... Onto more serious things... Like Becca

I've been losing hope... After that day I met her in Bournemouth, she hasn't talked to me... Even after I've sent several texts to her... What's up with that?... Maybe sending her a message on facebook might be a better idea...

I've been sorta-kinda-maybe liking Jade from work... I'm always indecisive with stuff like this... I went to her 18th last night, which was pretty fun... Met a few of her friends... Gave her a peck on the cheek when I had to leave...

Yeah, I don't know why I did that, spur of the moment, hint of Dutch Courage... Don't think she'd even remember... I'm doing some shopping tomorrow, might stop by Saun... Superdrug, since she'll be working... And miss some of the Grand Prix...

Yeah, it's Like... At least...

My current song has been the closest song to making me cry for quite a long time...
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