
Apr 28, 2005 22:33

i'm going to be performing in the drama estedford (can't spell that!)in group devised & group improv.! i'm syched! i love performing, it's so much fun!
I am soo syched in drama after we finish estedford & childrens theatre we're doing shakespeare for the rest of the year until the school certificate and we get to perform excerpts from some of his plays for performance night! i want to do a scene from Taming of The Shrew or maybe the scene from A Midsummer Nights Dream when Hermia & Helena are fighting over Lysander & Demetrius! my favourite part of that scene is when Hermia says "because i am so dwarfish and so low? how low am I, thou painted maypole? speak; How low am I? I am not yet so low, but that my nails can reach unto thine eyes."

anyway thats enough from me, I have to go and feed my puppy
ciao, adios & goodbye
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