SH 2015: Promise (for mutantbic)

May 14, 2015 09:05

For: mutantbic
From: ANONYMOUS until May 22, 2015

Title: Promise
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s)/Focus: Suho/Kris, minor Sehun/Luhan & Kai/D.O.
Length: 6,238 words
Summary: Masters have to keep their promises.

Notes: Hello, I'm sorry if this doesn't come up to your expectations. I'm glad that I got your prompts because I can write one of my otps. I really hope you enjoy my story ^^

Yifan leaned his body to the door frame as his eyes fell on two pairs of white ears peeking from under the thick navy blue blanket. There's a purr coming from his bed and it got louder with each steps he took. He sat at the edge of his bed, hand patting the lump of the blanket couple of times. Small purrs came with a little movement before the blanket was pulled, revealing a sleepy face of his catboy.


"Hey. Have you eat?"


"I'll make something for you. Come on." Yifan stood up and waited for his catboy to climb down the bed, one hand taking his arm while the other was rubbing his eyes.

Yifan smiled, leading them outside the room and headed to the kitchen.

Yifan's catboy took a sit on the white chair near the window. He lifted his legs and hugged them as Yifan folded the sleeves of his light blue button shirt to his elbows. He took his black apron and wore it, searching for the catboy's favorite food from the refrigerator.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Tuna, master." the catboy watched his own reflection on the window. He patted his hair with cheeks puffed out, not liking how his black hair was messy. After couple of attempts trying to make it neat his pink lips formed into pretty smiles and his eyes went into a pair of crescents. He turned to Yifan who's currently making his food and hummed random songs.

"How was your day, master?"

"Busy." Yifan spread his catboy's favorite sauce on a bread before putting the tuna on top of it. Making sandwich was easy and he's glad his catboy wasn't in the mood to eat something that's hard to make. After he finished the sandwich he gave it to his catboy before walking back to the refrigerator. Time to make his own dinner.

The catboy pouted a little because Yifan was still cooking. He scrunched his nose and made a small whimper, hand reaching for the sandwich and ate slowly and at the same time watched Yifan making his dinner. His tail moved slowly, curling once in a while as he enjoyed his food.

Ten minutes was all Yifan need to make fried rice from the leftover rice. He just needed something to make his stomach stop whining. Taking off his apron, he went to take a sit across of his catboy who already finished eating, leaning his head to the window with sleepy eyes.


The catboy purred.

Yifan smiled apologetically. "Wait for a moment, I'll finish this quickly." he pointed his plate with his spoon and his catboy nodded.

"Okay, master."

Yifan just took a shower, currently drying his hair fast as he knew his catboy was waiting for him. The catboy will wake up with bad mood when he didn't cuddle with him so Yifan always tried his best to come home early as a catboy with bad mood liked to sulk and hide on the corner of room. On his case it was different though as Junmyeon, his catboy, liked to make a mess, showing how his master didn't treat him like how he wanted him to be.

Yifan closed the bathroom door, walking to his bed and slipped inside the blanket. Slim pair of arms wrapped around his body immediately with a purr following.

"Night, master..." Junmyeon whispered, rubbing his head into Yifan's chest in affection.

Yifan put one hand on Junmyeon's shoulder, closing his eyes with a content sigh.


Yifan's alarm went off, waking up both Yifan and Junmyeon. The taller searched for his phone and turn it off while Junmyeon had his back on his master, hiding his sensitive ears under the blanket.

Morning routines came and Yifan patiently brought Junmyeon to the bathroom. Junmyeon took a long time to take a bath by himself so he had to help Junmyeon every weekdays. Junmyeon needed to have a clean body, breakfast and the most important was a peck on his cheek every morning. Yifan had to earn pretty pairs of crescents and a blinding smile which indicated that Junmyeon won't make any mess at his place when he went to work.

Yifan took his own bath as Junmyeon waited on the bed, lying down sideways, facing the bathroom door with close eyes. When Yifan came out, Junmyeon stood up, watching Yifan made the bed instead of helping. Yifan pushed Junmyeon to the kitchen and made a quick breakfast for him and Junmyeon. A glass of white milk was a must in Junmyeon's breakfast and he always purred in delight when he saw the sight of it.

After taking breakfast, Yifan checked his reflection once again in the mirror with Junmyeon watching from the side.

"What time you will be back, master?"

"As soon as possible, Myeonnie."

Junmyeon pouted, tilting his head with hands behind his back, one of it touching his own tail. "What time, master?"

"Maybe around eight?"

"Okay, master."

Yifan stared at Junmyeon who had a frown on his face, showing how disappointed he was as he will spend his day at home alone until Yifan came back. "I promised you we will go out this Saturday, right?"

Junmyeon nodded twice. "Yes, you did."

"I will go now." Yifan smiled. He pecked Junmyeon's cheek and pulled away but Junmyeon stopped him with one hand. Junmyeon gave his other cheek to his master and Yifan chuckled, kissing it a bit longer and hugged Junmyeon. "Take care. Call me if something happens, hmm?"

"Yes, master."

Yifan let go of Junmyeon and the smile he's waiting for was on Junmyeon's face so he let go a small sigh. "See you tonight, Myeonnie."

"Have a good day, master."

When Yifan got back from his work that night, he found the apartment was dark. He turned on the lamp and the living room was a mess, pillows where thrown randomly, some mangas that he bought for Junmyeon and tissues were all over the floor. He walked to the kitchen and found out Junmyeon hadn't wash their morning dishes. He wondered if the catboy had eaten as he didn't see any evidence of Junmyeon making his own food.

Yifan went to the bedroom and found that it was dark too, some light from the moon coming through the curtains but it was enough to see Junmyeon under the blanket.


Yifan walked to the bed and climbed it before he opened the blanket, but Junmyeon pulled it back and covered himself.


A sniff came and Yifan inhaled knowing something was wrong. He peeled one side of the blanket to get under it and searched for Junmyeon's hand. Junmyeon reached out for his owner, grabbing Yifan's arms and pressing his body on the taller who instantly hug him.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Junmyeon lifted his head, seeing Yifan's worried face easily while Yifan had a hard time with the darkness to see Junmyeon's.

Junmyeon suddenly punched Yifan's chest with his small fists. Yifan widened his eyes, quickly stopping the act as a whine came from Junmyeon.

"Junmyeon. Talk to me. Tell me what's wrong, why are you acting like this?" Yifan frowned, leaning down to see Junmyeon's face.

"Lied... Master lied!!"


Junmyeon shook his head. He kept repeating the same words over and over again.

Yifan licked his lips and took a breath. He let go of Junmyeon's hands, turning on the lamp first before he cupped the catboy's face. "Myeonnie..." He whispered. His heart clenched seeing Junmyeon's puffy eyes, red nose, and some snots coming out as tears fell down his cheeks. "Myeonnie, tell me when did I lie to you, hm?"

Junmyeon whined, hands trying to put the big hands away but Yifan had a hard grip and Junmyeon was tired of crying all day, leaving him with no strength. "S-someone left a message."

"On the phone?"

"Yes...h-he said he's coming this S-saturday..."


"That means we can't go!" Junmyeon said, shaking his body in a childish way. "You promised me."

Yifan inhaled deeply. "Who was it?"

"I don't know." Junmyeon's lips trembled as he gulped. "The name started with S."

"S?" Yifan lifted his head to the ceiling, working his brain fast to find any of his friend's name which started with S. He didn't remember he had an appointment with any client too. "Wait. Let me go outside for a moment to hear it, okay?"

Junmyeon clutched his shirt, shaking his head vigorously. "No! Don't leave me. Don't leave me alone..." he started to wail again, more tears falling as his eyes begged for Yifan to stay.

"Okay, okay. I'll stay. Stop crying." Yifan wiped the tears and snots with his sleeve. He smiled when Junmyeon pressed his face to his chest, arms wrapped on his waist as he sat on his lap.

Yifan rubbed Junmyeon's back, swaying their bodies lightly until his cry stopped.

"But Myeonnie, you know you have to clean up the living room, right?" Yifan stilled their bodies and waited for Junmyeon's reaction.

"I'm sorry, master..." Junmyeon whispered. He lifted his head, eyes staring into Yifan's who raised his eyebrows. "I will clean it up tomorrow."

"Tonight. I can't sleep thinking that I will woke up to see those mess in the morning." Yifan shook his head when Junmyeon pouted.

"But master-"

"Don't you want to go this weekend?"

Junmyeon widened his eyes, he parted his lips as his eyes became glassy again and Yifan hugged him, feeling sorry that he had to threatened the catboy. "No, no, we will still go. I promised you we will go."

Sniffs came from Junmyeon. He let his tears fell again as Yifan shushed him. "I will clean it up. But can master make me dinner first? I haven't eat anything other than milk..."

Yifan chuckled, kissing his catboy's head and pulled away. "You should call me and confirm it first before you trashed the place, Myeonnie."

"I don't want to disturb you..." Junmyeon pressed his lips to his master's chin.

"No, you won't. You're my priority, okay? Next time before you throw a tantrum, call me first and tell me if the reason is enough to make a mess of this place."

Junmyeon pouted but still nodding in the end.

"Let me take a quick bath before I make you some food, okay?"

"Okay, master."

Yifan dialed a number as he waited for his catboy to eat his dinner. He found out who called and made Junmyeon upset, getting ready to scold the man for not calling him on his phone.


"Why you don't call me." Yifan demanded. He's not aware that Junmyeon flinched hearing his voice that's full of authority, not the sweet and gentle one he usually use towards him.

"I did. You didn't pick up, hyung."

" could just text me. Why you have to left a message and made Junmyeon sad. Cancel it to next week, I already promised him that I will take him to the amusement park."

Junmyeon's ears perked up at the name he never heard before.

"But hyung, Luhan missed you."

Yifan blinked his eyes. Hearing the name of his previous catboy made a sigh came out from his lips, hand running on his hair. "How is he? You took a good care of him, right?"

"Of course, I am. You taught me how to do so. He terribly misses you and wants to meet your new catboy."

Yifan shifted his eyes to Junmyeon who's watching for him while he ate. "I'm not sure if that's a good idea. I don't want to cause any problem and he's not like Luhan." He changed into Chinese so Junmyeon wouldn't understand and smiled as he said the words. He didn't want to make his catboy curious of why he did it but he knew Junmyeon will ask anyway.

"It won't cause any problem. If it is, then you know how to handle it. He's your catboy after all and you're an expert already."

"I told you Junmyeon is different." Yifan sighed, not bothering to change his language again. "He's hard to handle." he had his eyes on Junmyeon to see his reaction.

Junmyeon hissed to Yifan and squinted his eyes before continued eating his food. His ears were on full attention and his tail swished.

"Taking care of catboys are easy for you, hyung."

Yifan rolled his eyes, "Whatever."

"Do you want to talk with Luhan?"

"No. Just bring him here on Saturday." Yifan glanced at Junmyeon who dropped his ears, pressing it on his hair that made a lump formed on Yifan's throat because he just broke his promise.

"Alright. See you soon, hyung."

"Take care."

Sehun chuckled before he hang up the call. Yifan sighed, putting down his phone to the table and stared to his catboy who had finish by now. "Myeonnie. Let's go on Sunday. I will take a day off on Monday."

Junmyeon blinked his eyes, one of his white ears perked up. "Really? But how about your work, master?"

Yifan shrugged. "They don't need me for the whole week. It's okay."

Junmyeon pursed his lips. "Are you sure?"

"You don't want to?"

"I want to go!!" Junmyeon straightened up his back. "I want to go with you, master. It's been a while, you've been busy."

Yifan smiled, taking the plate as he stood up and dumped it on the sink. "It is. I'm tired of working too."

"I'm sorry for making a mess. I will clean it up now, master." Junmyeon climbed down the chair and put it back on its place. He walked outside the kitchen as Yifan followed him, saying that he will help and Junmyeon clinged to his master when he said thank you.


Saturday came quite fast and Yifan worried a lot. He didn't have a time-more like courage-to explain that the one who will be coming today was his previous catboy. The master took a glance down to his catboy who's currently having his head on his lap, petting time. Loud purrs kept coming from Junmyeon who had his eyes closed, facing towards the big LCD screen.


A purr was all he got so he stopped his hand and Junmyeon opened his eyes immediately. "Master, why are you stopping?" He moved the bigger hand to continue patting his head but Yifan kept still.

"I need to tell you something."

"Okay." Junmyeon nodded once. "What is it?"

"I want you to know that you're not my first catboy."

"You told me that before, master."

"Have I told you how many catboy I had?" asked Yifan, his hand was on Junmyeon's stomach.

"No, you haven't."

"It's two. The first one is now at my brother's place while the second one belongs to my friend." Yifan's eyes intently searching for any change of expression on Junmyeon's face who was now had his back on the couch and facing him.

"You have a brother?"

"Half brother actually. He's Korean."


"He's the one who left a message couple of days ago. He's the one who will come today, with his catboy."


Yifan blinked his eyes. Junmyeon didn't show any sign of anything, anger, jealousy, confusion or even curiosity. "You're okay with it?"

"Yes?" Junmyeon tilted his head, "Why?" his tail stopped moving for a second before it moved again.

"I read that catboy get jealous easily."

"We do."

"But?" Yifan caressed Junmyeon's hair, the catboy purred in delight.

"Hmm...I'm not sure, master. I need to see him first."

"Can you promise me not to harm him in any way?" Yifan lifted his other hand to Junmyeon's cheek, pinching it lightly.

"I can't promise you, master. I act on my instinct. I can't control myself half of the times. I'm a catboy after all."

"If you behave," Yifan paused, thinking of what to reward Junmyeon so that he will be a good catboy. He pondered for a while as Junmyeon waited for him, Junmyeon's tail wrapped on his hand to take his attention. "Uh... What do you want?"

"I want to spend a day with you, master. I want to cuddle all day, having you petting me and stay here with me without any disruption from your work." grinned Junmyeon.

"Deal." Yifan pecked Junmyeon's cheek. "Be a good boy and we will have that next Saturday."

"Promise, master?"

"I promise."

The door bell rang and Yifan stood up after telling Junmyeon to sit like a good catboy. He opened the door and what greeted him was a hug as someone crushed his body to him. No, a catboy.

"Master Yifan!!" Luhan squealed, rubbing his face to Yifan's chest.

Yifan smiled down, rubbing Luhan's cotton candy like hair before looking up to his brother and told him to come in.

"Where is your catboy?"

"On the couch." answered Yifan after closing the door.

"I don't see anyone." Sehun said, throwing himself to the couch and smiled. "Are you sure you're not locking him on your room?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Yifan put a hand on Luhan's shoulder, telling him to sit with his master.

Sehun chuckled, "You know, maybe you're afraid of his reaction when he sees Luhan."

"Master Yifan, can I see your catboy, please?" Luhan snuggled to his master as soon as he sat beside Sehun.

"Yeah, wait a minute. I think he's in the kitchen-" Yifan threw his glance to the kitchen at the moment Junmyeon came out, bringing a tray with glasses on it. The master raised his eyebrows seeing Junmyeon did it without any difficulty. Junmyeon was so lazy to pour his own milk when Yifan was around, how could he prepare some drinks for the guests?

Yifan watched as Junmyeon smiled, serving the drinks and bowed, introducing himself cheerfully that only made Yifan suspicious. Junmyeon was never this sweet, only the first time Yifan met him when he bought him and the sweetness was gone when they arrived only to be replaced by a spoiled catboy who demanded for many things.

"Hello, my name is Junmyeon. Nice to meet you master Sehun and his catboy."

"Hi! I'm Luhan, nice to meet you!" Luhan grinned.

"Hello, Junmyeon. How's living with my brother?"

"Very nice, master Sehun." answered Junmyeon. "He takes a good care of me."

Sehun grinned, eyes turning crescent and turned to his brother. "Of course he is. He's been the type to help people."

Yifan took a sit, calling Junmyeon to sit beside him and the catboy's eyes sparkled. Junmyeon smiled when Yifan rubbed the back of his cat ear, telling him a good job.

"I can't see why you're worried he might harm Luhan." commented Sehun.

"Precautions. I don't want to harm any of them. Catboys easily got jealous and teritorius. I don't want to repeat that one time when Luhan jumped over Jongin."

"It's fun to watch, hyung."

Yifan squinted his eyes towards Sehun who showed his teasing grin.

"I'm sure nothing will happen this time. Right, Junmyeon?" Sehun tilted his head a little with a smile on his face.

The said catboy's ear perked up. "I can't promise you or master Yifan about that. I act based on instinct."

Yifan laughed at his catboy, ruffling his hair lovingly. "He said the same thing this morning."

"You can't do it, master. We can't promise you we won't do things, but we can promise you we will try our hardest." said Luhan, putting a hand on Sehun's chest as he leaned up, the taller leaning down to do eskimo kiss.

"Oh god."

Sehun raised an eyebrow, "What? Like you didn't do it with Junmyeon." he snorted to his brother who shook his head.

"Master has to kiss me every morning. If he doesn't do it I will get bad mood and make a mess of this place." Junmyeon confessed suddenly.

"Junmyeon, you don't have to explain it to him." Yifan said.

"I'm sorry..." Junmyeon put his head down, his white ears pressing into his hair.

"And you still like to make them say it." Sehun smirked when Yifan's fell on him, referring to the apologize Junmyeon just said.

"I'm not the one who make them say it. They're just...scared of me." All of Yifan's catboys had always said sorry when they felt like Yifan was angry. Half of the times his catboys mistaken him for being upset because they did something bad when in fact that's just how Yifan looked. He had been trying to smiled more when he realized why his catboys said sorry many times before.

"You are kind of scary, master Yifan. But you're nice too. It's just... You look like you're angry all the time. Except when you're smiling." Luhan giggled and purred when Sehun scratched his ears.

"I don't look scary like him, right?"

"No...but you look like you're bored, master." Luhan laughed when Sehun tickled him, telling his master to stop and Sehun stopped after a moment.

Yifan smiled seeing his brother kept his promise. Sehun took care of his previous catbor and he's satisfied. He didn't see that Junmyeon was watching for him and a deep frown formed between his eyebrows, his tail dropped down and stayed still for a moment along with his white ears.

"You don't have any room?" Luhan widened his eyes. He blinked once before calling Yifan, "Master Yifan, Does Junmyeon really don't have his own room?"

"He has a play room." Yifan answered as he cooked their lunch. Sehun was helping beside him, making some sandwiches for the catboys.

"I can't sleep alone. I need master to hug me before I can sleep." said Junmyeon to Luhan.

Luhan's eyes sparkled and he nodded eagerly, "Me too! Master Sehun is so warm...I bet master Yifan is warm too, right?"

Junmyeon tilted his head, one ear perking up with the other pressing down. "You don't sleep together before?"

Luhan shook his head with a smile. "I slept alone. Master Yifan was so busy and he always came late, so I always sleep early. I like to spend my time on my room too which is now your play room, I guess. Master Yifan had to drag me out so I can get some sun."

"Oh." Junmyeon felt a smile coming to his lips. His tail swayed lazily yet happily.

"Are you jealous of me?" Luhan leaned in and whispered. He checked on the Masters before continued, "You have to feel jealous of me. I got jealous of Master Yifan's previous catboy too."

"I-" Junmyeon turned his head to see his master was talking with Luhan's master. "I promised not to get jealous."

"But we act on instinct! It's okay to be jealous. I sometimes pretend to be jealous just to make my master spoiled me. We like to be spoiled, don't we?" Luhan smiled. He lifted his hand and brushed Junmyeon's bangs to the side.

Junmyeon flinched for a moment but purrs when Luhan touched his ear. His half lidded eyes stared at Luhan. He's pretty, prettier than Junmyeon. Warm doe eyes, cute button nose and plump pink lips. Junmyeon wondered if the previous catboy was as pretty as Luhan.

"What are you thinking?" asked Luhan.

"Master's previous catboy. Why master has so many catboys..." Junmyeon jutted his lips, leaning his head on his arms as Luhan caressed his hair.

"Like master said, master Yifan couldn't help it seeing catboy in needs. Master Yifan found Jongin on the street couple of months after he took me in. I'm glad I don't have to go to the shelter and waited there."

Junmyeon widened his eyes. "S-shelter?"

"Yes. You know that when our master don't want to keep us anymore they could send us to the shelter, right? My previous master wants to get married and her future husband doesn't want a catboy."

"Y-your previous master is a woman?" Some women had take a liking towards Junmyeon before but they always changed their option into another catboy after they talked to the store manager. He didn't have a good impression of woman as a master.

"Yes. That's why I like to spend my time indoor. My master used to teach me how to knit, arrange flowers and cook. She thought of me like her little sister and she loved me so much. That's why she tried to find someone who wants to take care of me, someone that she can trust."

Junmyeon hummed. He straightened his back, caressing Luhan's hair and scratched his ears making the doe eyed catboy purrs. "I won't get jealous of you." he declared.

"But you have to pretend." Luhan giggled. "To make your master spoiled you."

Junmyeon considered the idea, will his master really spoiled him?

Junmyeon brought Luhan to his playroom while the Masters talked outside. The catboys spend the first hour playing some games before they went sleep on the bed that Junmyeon rarely use.

Yifan checked on the catboys to see them sleeping, a smile creeping into his lips before he went back to Sehun.

"They're sleeping." He announced.

"That's surprising. I wonder why Luhan didn't jump into him." Sehun sipped his drink.

"For the start, he's yours so Junmyeon doesn't concerns him in anyway. I should be the one wondering why Junmyeon acted so nice. I have a bad feeling he's preparing to attack him later on." Yifan frowned, making Sehun put his thumb in between his eyebrows. "Yah." He swatted the younger's hand.

"He's fine. He's not the jealous type."

"How do you know that, you are scared of Luhan before. Hiding behind my back as he hissed on you. God, that's so funny." Yifan laughed out loud remembering the memory.

Sehun groaned in embarrassment, throwing two pillows into his brother who showed his gummy smiles as he caught them. "You don't have to remind me!"

"I know, Sehun-ah."

"But really, hyung. You don't have any problem with him, right? He likes you. He looks comfortable with you. Just don't pamper him that much, it's so hard to leave Luhan alone that I have to bring him to work."

"Oh, you bring him to work?"

"Yeah. I'm glad the company has rules for it, they even have a floor for catboys there. Luhan still prefer to stay on my office and sleep, though." Sehun scrunched his nose in dislike.

"It's okay. We both need them and it's a bad sign when they don't want to be close to us."

"True. We have to know if something troubles our catboys."

"No! Luhan can't go home, let him stay! Master Sehun, please let him stay? I still want to play with him..." Junmyeon whined, back hugging Luhan who grinned prettily.

"I'll comeback again, Myeonnie." Luhan tilted his head a little but Junmyeon shook his head.


"Hmm...can we go back next week, master?" Luhan asked Sehun who nodded in reply.

"Yeah, no problem."

"Promise?" Junmyeon stared at Sehun who lifted the corner of his lips.

"I promise you, Myeonnie."

"Okay." Junmyeon let go of Luhan before he attached himself to Yifan's side. "See you next week, Luhannie, Master Sehun."

Luhan grinned, he took one step and kissed Junmyeon on the cheek, hugging Yifan for a moment and lifted his head up. "Thank you, master Yifan."

Yifan ruffled Luhan's hair to make the catboy purred. "Take care, I'll see you soon."

Sehun hugged his brother and about to hugged Junmyeon but Yifan's hand blocked him.

"Don't even try." Yifan warned.

Sehun rolled his eyes and took a step back, arm around Luhan's lithe body as he tilted his head. "See you soon, myeonnie."

Junmyeon waved his hand with a smile, "Take care, master Sehun and Luhan."

That night on Yifan's embrace, Junmyeon couldn't sleep. He tried closing his eyes but his minds kept repeating Luhan's stories of how Sehun treated him. The catboy shared some stories of when he's Yifan's catboy and Junmyeon felt his stomach churning.

Junmyeon never thought about his master previous catboys before. He met Luhan and thought that he's nice and kind but there's a little bit of jealousy inside. Yifan wrapping his arms around Luhan, petting him with his hands, making Luhan foods, kissing Luhan and doing every little things with Luhan. Junmyeon wasn't the first and he's not the only one and that made him sad.

What if Yifan decided to give him away to someone else and got another catboy?

The thought shoot an arrow straight on his heart that he gasped out loud, waking up his master who had already asleep.

"Myeonnie...?" Yifan grunted. Yifan was a light sleeper and Junmyeon kind of like it when he needs help from Yifan. Junmyeon hated that fact at the moment as he bit his lips, pretending that he's asleep.

But Junmyeon felt his eyes sting. He imagined Luhan on his position before and his heart ached.

Junmyeon imagined another catboy being hugged by Yifan. He knew he's not a good catboy as be easily threw tantrum, sulked and always picky of what he wanted to eat. Other catboy were more obedient compared to him and Junmyeon knew that's the reason people made a second thought of having him as their catboy. Yifan didn't think twice and decided to bought him but he felt scared.

He didn't want to ended up in someone else's house. He liked Yifan. He liked his master even when he's busy. He liked his touched, hands, hug, kissed, food, he liked everything his master did to him.


Yifan woke up in alarm hearing Junmyeon's trembling voice. Something must be wrong, he thought. He quickly turn on the lamp to see Junmyeon and his guess was right, Junmyeon's cheeks were wet with tears already. "Myeonnie, what happened? Is it hurt somewhere? Why are you crying?"

Junmyeon touched his own cheek, not knowing that he's crying which only made him frown. "Master Yifan..." He sobbed. "I'm scared..."

"Did you have a nightmare?" Yifan blinked his eyes couple of times, erasing some sleep that hadn't gone. He wiped the tears on Junmyeon's face but the catboy refused, leaning in to press his lips on Yifan's cheek before he wrapped his hands on his master's shoulder.

"Don't leave me."

Yifan parted his lips, wondering what the words meant, patting the catboy's back and swayed their bodies. "I won't leave you, Myeonnie."

"You can't promise me that! You promised twice and you broke it! You will break it again and I-" Junmyeon made small fists with his hand, holding his breath for a moment before letting go. "I will be on somebody else's place."

"Junmyeon, what are you taking about. Where does this thought came from?" Yifan tried to detached Junmyeon's hands on his shoulder but the catboy refused.

"No...don't let go of me!!" Junmyeon wailed.

"Junmyeon." Yifan gave his warning tone and the catboy froze.

Junmyeon gulped, loosening his grip and pulled away just a little on Yifan's lap, teary eyes glaring at his master even when he felt scared inside.

"Why do you think that I will leave you?" Yifan cupped the catboy's face, voice whispering gently as his other hand played with Junmyeon's ear.

A loud purr came out from Junmyeon but what came inside his mind was Luhan on his position and he whimpered. "You left L-luhan and your other catboy. What about me...I don't want to live with new master... Don't leave me, master. Promise me you won't leave and never break it! It hurts, no one wants me. Only you, master. I don't know how I can live without you. Master, please..." Junmyeon begged, his hands gripping on the front of Yifan's shirt. His tears falling hard as he shut this eyes, pressing his forehead into Yifan's chest. His tail was laying motionless on the blanket, ears pressing down on his head.



"Junmyeon, look at me."

Junmyeon shivered when his master whispered those words on his ears. He slowly lifted his eyes and met his master's eyes. His master was frowning, he looked upset. Junmyeon was sure Yifan will shout at him but then he felt something warm on his lips. He blinked his tears, lips parted slightly and saw Yifan's face was so close to him.

His master just kissed him, on the lips.

"I love you." Yifan said.


"" Junmyeon repeated slowly, still registering the words as he sniffed.

"I love you, Junmyeon." Yifan repeated more to himself. His thumb caressing the wet cheek before he leaned in and pressed his lips into Junmyeon once again. "I won't leave you. I will stay by your side as long as you want me to."

Do I? Isn't it just words to make Junmyeon stop crying?

Junmyeon whimpered, his heart felt warm, his stomach was churning again but it's different this time. He let tears coming out again, "Really?" he said with low voice.

Yifan inhaled seeing the tears that won't stop coming from Junmyeon's eyes.

What am I thinking, of course I love him. I love him since the day that I see him for the first time. I knew by that time that he needs me. Junmyeon needs me more than Luhan or Jongin and-

"I can't leave without you too, Junmyeon. I told you already, you're my priority now." Yifan breathed out. Junmyeon always came to his mind when he's on his break at the office. He's worried if something bad will happen to Junmyeon and he could let go of that feeling when he arrived at their apartment, Junmyeon greeted him with a smile or to find Junmyeon fell asleep on the couch while watching the TV. Making Junmyeon happy was the first thing that came to his mind whenever he saw the catboy as he always made sure Junmyeon was happy with him.

"But Luhan was your priority before and you let go of him. And your other catboy too, what about him?"

Yifan felt the fur of Junmyeon's ear, chuckling lightly as the catboy tried to keep his concentration instead of feeling the touch with the fluttering of Junmyeon's eyelashes. "I let go of them because they asked for my permission."


"Yes. They asked me if they can go to a new master."

"We can do that?"

"I don't know about the others, but I let them go. It kind of hurts me, you know, knowing your catboy found someone they love." Yifan scrunched his nose. "Jongin said he wants to be with Kyungsoo and Luhan said he wants to live with Sehun. I can stop them, of course, but I know it will only make them suffered. Catboys acted on instinct and their instincts tell them to choose who they want to live with. I respect that feeling, that's why I let them go. It's not my choice, Junmyeon. You can leave me later, when you found someone-"

"No!! I like you, master! I won't like other people, only you! I can promise you that! You're the only one who said yes and refused when the store manager wanted to tell you about my...flaws..." Junmyeon shifted his eyes down to his master's neck as he gulped.

"It's not your flaws. It's your character, that's just who you are. There are things that you can't change and I like all of them, even if it brings troubles to me." Yifan was actually glad after hearing those words. He knew no one will spoiled Junmyeon other than him but he too needed an assurance. And Junmyeon just gave him that.

He pinched the catboy's nose and pecked his lips. "Is that enough to make you stop feeling insecure? I need to remind you that we will going out today and we need energy for that. Well, more like me as I have to take care of my baby myeonnie..." Yifan cooed, pinching Junmyeon's cheeks making him hiss and his tail started to lash.


Yifan rubbed his thumbs over the smooth skin, pulling Junmyeon's face close to him. "Is that enough, my little kitty?" he whispered on Junmyeon's lips, pressing it with his own as small sound came from the catboy. Yifan tilted his head slightly, angling the kiss and pressed a little harder. He licked the plump bottom lips and nibbled it making Junmyeon gasped. Yifan chuckled and kissed Junymeon's forehead before pulling away.

The master almost snorted when he found his catboy had half lidded eyes, red cheeks and glistening pair of lips. Oh how could he resist his catboy for all this months?

"If you promise to kiss me like that everyday." Junmyeon whispered.

"That's not a problem for me." Yifan laughed, pulling Junmyeon into his chest and kissed the tip of his car ear. "I love you, Junmyeon. Promise not to leave me, hmm?"

Junmyeon took the scent of his master, filling his lungs with it as he purrs when Yifan played with his tail. "Promise. Master Yifan will be the only one for me." Junmyeon's words was muffle on Yifan's shirt.

"What did you say?" Yifan stared down to see Junmyeon sleepy eyes.

"I love you, master Yifan." Junmyeon rubbed his head to Yifan's chest again before smiling so cutely that Yifan took a deep breath.

Thank you

"Good kitty..." Yifan smiled, he finally found the catboy that won't leave him.

Thank you, my precious Junmyeon.

And Junmyeon fell asleep on his master's chest, feeling content as both he and Yifan promised not to leave each other.

with: kris, 2015: submissions

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