I meant to make this post days ago, but finally found the time. I'll start out with a rant about my life, then I'll post my new creations. If you're not interested in listening to me complain or giving me advice, just skip the next two paragraphs. I won't mind....honestly.
Anyway, where should I start. Life is so uncertain right now...especially with the whole medical school thing. I want to be a physician scientist more than anything in the world, but the 7-10 more years of school required to get the dual MD/PhD program are scaring me. If it were a definite amount of time, I wouldn't have minded so much, but the time to complete a PhD can never be predicted. Anyway, I thought I had it all figured out, but suddenly I came to the realization that being in school for the better part of my life may not be a good idea. Not that I don't love school. I've been working for almost four months now (at a lab), and all I can think about is going back to school. But the thing is, I'm seriously thinking about the whole marriage thing. I'm not ready to get married now, but I may be in a couple years. Some people may have the ability to manage time well and handle marriage and school at the same time, but I'm not sure I'm one of those people. I just don't want to start a family when I'm over 30, and it seems like that's what will happen if I do the MD/PhD.
Another option is to just go for the MD and possible add the PhD later, if I'm up for it. The only problem with this is that MD/PhD programs are fully funded (meaning free) whereas we have to pay for MD programs. So if I get admitted into an MD/PhD program and then rejected it, only to later realize that it's what I want to do, I'm going to lose a lot of money. I'm sure most people will advise me to accept the MD/PhD and then drop the PhD later if I don't want to do it...this seems like a good option, but the problem is that I'll feel incredibly guilty about it. The program pays for tuition with the expectation that the student will complete both degrees. It is possible to drop at any point, of course...but I'm sure that the program coordinators hate when it happens. Anyway, maybe it's too early to be talking about this now. I only have one acceptance (U of Miami!), and that's MD only so far. I'm still waiting to hear back from MD/PhD programs. Maybe I won't get into any of them, and then the decision will be made for me. We'll see....but if you do have any advice for me, please let me know. I'll take all the guidance I can get! Thanks for listening!
Update time! I finally decided to change my sig size (they were WAY too long) and learned some new techniques. It's going to be a slow start, but I hope that within a year or so, I'll have a few hundred sets. Please comment on my new artwork. Any constructive criticism is welcome!
NEW website address! All affiliates please change the button and url. Please visit and comment on my tagboard about what you think of the layout. Thanks everyone!
New sets! They're all free for use as long as you follow the rules posted on my website.
Thanks for reading!