Jan 24, 2009 17:59
I've been blogging on myspace like crazy, so I decided to give a complete update. Work is cool. My boss is an annoying old lady, but she means well. I have to give her credit, she definately knows how to keep the dept in tip-top shape. My hair in 11 months, is two inches below my shoulders-- which is really fast compared to when I had it cut like Angelina Jolie when she was in "Hackers". It would have been longer if I hadn't have gone through a stress stage and my hair started breaking off. Bleh, glad thats fixed. I'm still single-- and I prefer it that way. So far at work, almost EVERY guy and to no exagerration has asked me on a date or has says something similar to-- "Man, If I wasn't married....".
I almost got arrested today, due to the fucking DMV. They didnt change my status to "unsuspended" license because I have insurance on my car. And I'm going to be MAJORLY pissed if I've paid money for insurance, and it wasnt effective enough to take me off suspension even though the DMV agent told me it would. The Officer let me off with a warning and told me to get my shit together basically. He said he could have arrested me, but he didnt want me to go through all of that..... hahaha awwwww. Hooray for being a girl.
The married guy at work that keeps calling his wife, his "ex" but it's not really his ex since he isnt divorced yet, has offered me to go on a shopping spree when he gets his income tax. Tempting....he bought me a laptop for Xmas. I told him I would get him something of equal value and he said he only really wanted Call of Duty: World at War, so I got that for him. A shopping spree sure sounds good though. The only thing I can say is that he has made it clear that he's not expecting anything from me, which is good because I'm not giving up shit. The guy with girlfriend likes me alot. He buys me breakfast every single morning and if he misses one day (like he did when he took a day off), he'll buy me something extra like a specialty cake. He's really sweet. He's not getting action either. No way will he have his girl and me. And obviously since he's still with her, he's already made his choice. Besides, I don't believe in stuff like that. Karma is really good on timely payback. If they were to ever breakup, I don't want it to ever have anything to do with me.
I'm going to buy 6 months of insurance for my car because thats what I needed to do in the first place anyway. I think this year, will be the year for my credit repair. I need to do that ASAP. I'm planning on taking out a loan for a condo after I finish school. Its something Ive always wanted to do. And I'm taking the Police test in February. Awesome. School was moved back to March 12 th because they needed at least 12 people in my class and they only had 10. Man, I was so looking forward to school. Also I've been realy curious about Wicca. Just delving into it, figure it out. I learned how to do tarot and I know my cards pretty well. It's just a hobby I guess. I have a pendelum, too so yeah. I got a few hobbies. My sister took up knitting and crocheting and she's fantastic, She's pretty much made everyone a scarf and I think she should sell them on Ebay or make her own site. Just sayin.