25. Nobody

Oct 02, 2011 21:39

Title: Nobody
Pairings: Tegoshi Yuya X Takahisa Masuda
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: They own each other! Picture thanks to whoever that took it during their PV-MAKING of summer-time :D , Edited by me, and thanks to picnik for awesome editing tools :D
Author's Note: This is part of the 100 scene challenge for NEWS! Main post here! It's probably slightly confusing, it's in parts, so it's quite skipping parts. do ask if you don't understand :)  Dedicated to aby_rose22 wifey! been long since i've write :) 
The day when that particular drop of snow fell onto the ground, and how his chest clenched when he thought of that person. How much despair he went through, how much ... tears have fallen for him.

The pain, the agony, would not be washed away.

Lying on the bench, his hands were already frozen stiff, and the person beside him still tightly hold onto his hand, hoping that his warmth will reach him. "If I knew..." he whispered, tears falling from his eyes.

"Tego, why so silly?" he whispered, grabbing his hand even tighter, placing his hand onto his own chest.

I just want to die under your gaze...

The snow were pilling up in front of his doorsteps as the person steps out, wearing his glove. "Good morning Masuda-san!" a voice was heard, and he turn. "Morning, Koyama-san,"

His neighbor smiled and turned back to his doorstep, using the shovel to get the snow out of his way.

Masuda went out of his gates, and walked off to the flower shop.

I want to hold you tight, cause you're the one I need tonight.

It wasn't situated deep down from the entrance. Once you've reached, it was just a few steps away. Masuda slowly walked towards it, and settled beside it.

Masuda pushes the snow off and clean the picture that was on the black grey stone. "Were you lonely?" Masuda asked.

The snows were still falling.

It was December. It was one year after.

***"I'm not cold, just take it," the younger boy said, as he took off his coat and passed it over to Masuda. Masuda took it over, and wore it over. "Thank you,"

The two were caught in the snowstorm when they were trekking on the mountain.

Both fall asleep and when Masuda woke up, he saw Tegoshi was lying stiff on the bench inside the small black cave. Masuda went towards him, and released his hands were cold, and his pulse was barely there. "Tego!"

There was no words from him.

Nobody was there, only Masuda.

Masuda felt his pulse, as thought Tegoshi was trying to tell him something. Before he knows it, his pulse stopped.

All I know was, I'm still not over you.

Ever since that December.


p! tegomass, group: news, 100 news scene challenge, c! masuda takahisa, type: one-shot, c! tegoshi yuya

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