I'm not trying to be bias here, and I'm trying to be the objective here with my comments alright? I really hope that those people that read this LJ would really wake their senses up. Indeed, I am in no position to reprimand or change your view, but really, you want to read, you just read on, don't want, go away.
If you're not happy, fucking close this window okay?
Number One: Don't freaking compare Ryutaro's case with NEWS's.
I am a NEWS and HSJ fan. Indeed, I know that Uchi and Kusano did do something wrong and they are removed from the group. BUT, hello? They're DRINK AND DRIVE, and Ryutaro is SMOKING. I know both are breaking the laws, but come'on, he's already got punished, what more do you want to get from him? FOREVER DISAPPEAR FROM JE? If that happened to Uchi and Kusano, I BET every single one of you are crying your eyes out. Ryutaro is only 14. Juggling between school work and been an idol, do you know the amount of stress he's getting? What do you kow about been an idol? WHAT age were Uchi and Kusano when they did the the drink and drive? Uchi was 19, and Kusano was 18. At that age, they were supposed to be mature and rational-thinkers, that's why they HAD VOLUNTARILY left the group. IT WASN'T A freaking punishment from Johnny-san. Saying that it was unfair is such a DISAPPOINTED to all JE fans. you're a JE/NEWS fan, how could you say that it's unfair? Don't tell me you don't mistake? Eveyrbody deserved a chance, and you don't freaking say you never ever make a mistake before? Having Ryutaro suspended is enough, YOU DON'T FUCKING SAY that he don't derserve to be in JUMP because you're not Johnny-san, you don't have the rights.
Number Two: When it doesn't affect HSJ, you just shut your mouth.
Most of them said that it's unfair since HSJ activities doesn't seemed to be affected. YOU KNOW WHY? NEWS got affected because they constantly got two members that happened the scandal, and DUH it was rational that it is wise to keep NEWS away from the public eyes for the moment as a group. Please luh, if you don't know anything about NEWS history, you don't freaking say it's unfair because it's not your rights to say it. Unless you hope that another member of HSJ did something illegal and got caught, and that makes HSJ ON HAITUS like NEWS. Are you freaking trying to say that?
Number Three: If you're not a fan, stfu.
Don't wish him to get fire? Don't deserve to be in JUMP? Now who are you to say him that? I MENTION THIS LOTS OF TIME IN THIS POST, but i want to re-emphathize. YOU ARE NOT JUMP, you don't have the rights to decide which member deserve or not to be in JUMP, at least for Johnny-san. You don't fucking say you don't wish him to be in HSJ, because you ARE NOT JUMP. such a person like you don't deserve to be in the fandom.
Number Four: Really, just stfu
Run out of titles, so I'm going to just type this in the content. You're been realistic? Now who is who? Stop been a person like oh-i-am-been-the-realistic one. OH SHUT UP. What are you to say about this? You're not RYUTARO, you won't know how much he feels. precisely he's young, he deserved a second chance. It's consequence for him to be suspended, that's enough, what the fuck more you want from him?
Number Five: Nobody said that Ryutaro is GONE.
You don't fucking decide that. THIS IS ONE COMMENT THAT PISSES ME MUCH. wdf, you're not Johnny-san, WHO ARE YOU TO SAY HE WON'T BE IN JUMP FOREVER? And for the freaking sake, don't say that other members images will be brought down by him. You're a je fan, how could you freaking say this?! you PHAILED AS A JE FAN. WDF WDF WDF, you're saying that we can't pity him? Okay, this part you're probably right, but must you said it so hardly? Do you know how Ryu is feeling right now? DO YOU KNOW?! FUCK OFF MAN. TO THINK YOU'RE A JE FAN?
And as I said, YOU DON'T FUCKING SAY THAT RYU is damaging SHIN's reputation. YOU DIDN'T FUCKING SAY THAT. Shintaro is sad, you don't say poor shintaro alright? f off.
WHAT THE HECK IS WITH YUMA? yuma have nothing to do with this, don't freaking drag YUMA IN.
Number Seven: You're not Ryu, you don't decide his life.
It's true that Ryutaro have not been the limelight since the time they debuted, especially in recent MS OVER performance when every single member got a solo screen appearance, except for Ryutaro. But the fact is a fact, but still, do you think just because of this, he will leave? IF BECAUSE OF THIS AND HE LEAVE, he's a freaking coward. How would you even ask Ryutaro to QUIT? you're not him, you don't decide his path for him. you don't symphatize neither pity him. You don't freaking need to do that.
It's always _____ been the limelight or ____ or _____ (not mentioning name) but the truth is, I know how Ryutaro feel. I really think that we shouldn't take it too far. We all know that Ryutaro did break the law, and the fact that he was even caught on the camera is even serious. The scandal is out there, and Johnny should take action on it since it is really essential.
What we, or maybe a few of us wanna know like,
re_riko , and a few more of her friends wants to truly know is WHETHER he is out of JUMP. The fact that Johnny-san said, "suspended indefinitely" and "HEY SAY JUMP 9 members," are worrying us alot. Some fans out there are really to the extreme side of "HE DOESN'T deserve to be punish" COME ON, wake up, he did something against the law, please be sure that nobody can get away scout-free, so you're all saying that underage smoking is alright? That'll become a society problem, really.
/breathes in and out.
Ryutaro, Johnny-san, and all other people that the fans of JUMP have troubled you,
We're sorry. We didn't mean anything, we didn't mean anything harmful or disrespectful. We just wanted to have an answer. Does this mean that Ryu would be out of JUMP? We would lest wants that to happen. We all hope that this is a bad dream, and we really want to wake up, but the fact that all of us are CRYING are real. We don't hope for much, we just wanted Ryu to be in JUMP, but the suspension was really necessary. I really really... really think that Ryutaro deserves it because he broke the law.
I never wanted to say that Ryutaro to be back immediately. As far as I know, we really didn't want to trouble anyone. As international fans, we have out limit on our way to transmit our messages. We didn't want to trouble anybody or anything, but we just want to know that in time of hard, Ryutaro, there are fans supporting you all the way. To all international fans, able to go to Tokyo to see our idols are a dream. As international fans, we're located all over the world, and we really just wanted to get this simple message across to JUMP.
We're in state of denial, we don't know what to do. One side says its correct, one side says it's just wrong. As a fan, we don't know what we should do. If I was Ryutaro, I won't know what would I want from my fans as well. As a fan, I'm scared of troubling Ryutaro or even JUMP.
We're probably all have that mindset that Ryutaro might not be back, but we just want to hope. Everyone have their own thinking, so why just criticise each other? I don't see the point. Does criticising helps to bring Ryutaro back? Does it help to push Ryutaro out, if that's what people hope for? Really, if you have no opinion, you should just shut up. Indeed you can have your own views, but dont go around putting people's hope down because if this happened to the idol group you like, you'll get back what you did.
/end of rants.
Just know that, no matter what decisions you(ryutaro) or JUMP made, all of the fans are here to support you. Be it 10 members, or 9 members. As Morimoto Ryutaro self, we'll support you. As JUMP individual members,Yabu Kota, Yaotome Hikaru, Inoo Kei, Arioka Daiki, Okamoto Keito, Chinen Yuri, Nakajima Yuto, Yamada Ryosuke, Takaki Yuya we'll support you.
Don't give up, we're all here.