Title: Concert
Pairings: Tegoshi Yuya X Masuda Takahisa
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: They own each other! Picture thanks to whoever that took it during their PV-MAKING of summer-time :D , Edited by me, and thanks to picnik for awesome editing tools :D
Author's Note: This is part of the 100 scene challenge for NEWS! Main post
It was always trouble when it comes to the MC of Tegomass concert. Just before the concert, Tegoshi and Masuda were guests at K-CHAN NEWS! And they were begging him to come to every of their shows, to MC for them. Koyama went, "Eh, so means, i would need to sit there at one hour or so, and when it's the MC part, i will pop out and say, "Hello everybody! I am Koyama Keiichiro!"
Well, that is another part of this story.
"Massu! Don't tell me you're going to wear like this to greet the fans out there!?" Tegoshi grumbled, as he looked at Masuda's weird combination of clothing-again. Masuda looked at himself, and grinned, and nodded his head. Tegoshi shooked his head, and waved the matter off. The time of their concert have started, and they all run up to the stage, singing "Miso Soup," and followed by their other nice songs. Just near the encore, the fans were shouting frantically for Tegomass to appear once again. "Here we go Massu!" Masuda and Tegoshi were dressed up in their concert tee-shirt, and were ready to pop out of the stage any moment. Masuda stopped, and he held onto Tegoshi's hand. "This looks nicer," Masuda smiled. Tegoshi blushed, but he shoved it off as he is perspiring too much from all the dancing and jumping around during the concert.
With their hands held, Tegomass appeared on the stage. This send squealing all around the hall. Holding hands, they sang 'Kiss~Kaerimichi no Love Song~'. Tegoshi then walked away to the corner, and was waving towards the fans at the side. All of a sudden, Masuda attacked his back, which shocked Tegoshi. Tegoshi spoked into the microphone, "Massu! What're you doing!"
Masuda smiled, and whispered into his ears, "I love you, silly," and he released the grip and walked away. Tegoshi smiled happily, and continued singing, of course, trying to hide his happiness so that the fans would not know what Masuda had said to him. The fans continue squealing non-stop.
"Thank you everybody! Good work today!" Tegoshi bowed down his head, when he finally exited the stage along with Masuda. They both pounced onto the sofa after a long day of concerts. "Ah, there's one last show tomorrow!' Tegoshi said, as he stretched his arms.
Masuda then sat beside him, and using his hand, he placed it under Tegoshi's chin, "So? I don't find it great, it means, it's the last day i can spend with you together, Yuya,"
Tegoshi blushed, and pushed Masuda away. "It's.. it's hot! I am going to bathe!" Tegoshi ran to the cupboard and pulled out his clothes and towels, and hurriedly walked towards the bathroom. Masuda grinned. Just before Tegoshi closed the door, Masuda stopped it with his hand. He entered the bathroom, and closed the door behind, locking it, so that nobody can disturb them.
"Now, Yuya, you're mine. I've waited this moment for.. ages," Masuda smirked, leaving Tegoshi blushing, and Masuda slowly undone Tegoshi's clothing.