Title: Castaway
Pairing: RyoDa (Nishikido / Ueda)
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Humour/Crack, Fluff
Summary: Ueda gets washed ashore on a deserted island.
Disclaimer: I don’t own anybody.
Author’s Note: Instead of Runaway, I proudly present Castaway! Sorry, I apologize for that lameness. Written for the
JEANONFICMEME. Frankly, I surprise myself by attempting a
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All the shorty!Ryo references 8DD not like Ueda very tall lah
“I don’t want to be alone on this island. If you go, I probably don’t want to hang around either…” Omg so sweet <3<3<3
I think you captured Ryo perfectly, despite not really knowing him.
I also think that you have a lot of 前途 as an all/Ueda author 8DD But of course I would prefer you to write Maruda ahem
This reminds me that I should probably edit my fic and post it up too zzzz
but Ryo even shorter I think
I think I only watch one Ryo clip before on SC. The one whereby he bullied Ueda :<
Doubt I'll write RyoDa again though I only wrote this cause somebody screenshot the prompt, post it on twitter and it piqued my interest, lol Must take a break from MaruDa. 不知为何,故事越变越肉麻了。I went to compare my recent ones with the first one I wrote in July
yess, edit and post your fic so I can haz stuff to read \o/
1cm only lor, but I suppose 169 and 170 is quite a big difference HAHA (as long as Ueda stops growing shorter, haha)
The person who screencaps the prompt and posted it on twitter is such a great and nice person right? :P She also happens to be someone who can recognise your writing style every time hurhur Haha MaruDa is meant to be fluffy what like established r/s etc :DD
LOL I am editing to add more fluff and porn, lolz. :P
Yes yes, great and nice person 8D Please lorh, I only posted as paperbag once!
Porn, lol. Looks like I have to read it through the gaps of my fingers X3
Next time there's an anon meme again I'll keep my eyes peeled for you.
I ended up not adding more porn, too hard to write liao.
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