Oct 16, 2004 23:25
I've been hoping this up a down rollercoaster of feeling would stop but it hasn't. Luckily I'm on one of the up swings. It still kinda sucks the kinda of people who are in this world but I had an epiphany the other night as I was going to bed that there are also some really good people in the world and they make up for all the stupid.
Also, my job is mindless and repetetive for the most part but I still like it. And I really like the atmosphere. It's very relaxed and freindly not what most people think of as a lab atmosphere. I could totaly see myself doing this (not exactly what I'm doing but what the guy I work for is doing) for a living. You get to work in a lab and help people bacause all these grad students work for you. The only thing is I'm now questioning my major. Mostly because I don't like orgo. I hate not wanting to go to class everyday. I really like my genetics (read bio) class but I don't know if I'm ready to abandon chem for bio because of one semester. My dad said I should just stay on the same track I'm on because I can always switch later. And I think I'm goign to. I'm also going to talk to my bio prof. who is a genticist.
Beside school there isn't much going on in my life and it's kinda getting to me. It's not like I don't have friends it's just I don't have time to do more than dinner or a movie with them. And I always seem to be tired even when I sleep. Next week is fall break and a bunch of us are going to chicago which I'm really excited about. I need a fun school-free weekend.
So, to summerize, things here are good but not great. I miss all my home friends. I know I havn't talked to a lot of you in a while and I know it's my fault. I;ll try harder from now on but since I'm kinda a failure you guys need to make me talk to you because I miss you.