Here comes Week 2...

Sep 10, 2006 20:10

...yeah, and like I really had to mention that *sigh*

So, back to school, Day 1 of Week 2 approaching... and yeah, I already have too much stuff to do *sniff*

to do list (within the next 10 days):
- DAMMIT GET THE ANIME CLUB WEBSITE DONE!!! (I know, I know, I know I've been saying this to myself over the last MONTH, so please, allow me to be the only one yelling at myself, I don't need to be nagged by "others" cuz that will only slow everything down)
- print membership cards for JA
- make posters for JA skitrip
- make flyers for JA icebreaker
- make pamphlets for Clubs Days
- a crapload of readings

to do list (can wait till a bit later):
- update LJ a bit more often
- update other websites
- clean up my room
(- I wish I can yell @ housing for not letting me in)


On a completely different note: games
While I'm still figuring out some of the layout stuff for the Anime Club website (AND I REPEAT: I'LL GET IT DONE BY CLUBS DAYZ, SO JUST LEAVE ME ALONE DAMMIT!!), it's a bit of a pain to have to stare at my HTML editor for hours, so I figured I'd go off playing games for "a bit", now that I got my PS2 back (thanx Kaichou, for keeping it safe over summer)

So, stuff I've been playing since whenever:
Final Fantasy 12 - Knowing I'll get shot for posting any spoilers, I'll just say this: the "main" character reminds me of Shinn Asuka from GSD, not b/c they have similar personalities, but b/c their position in the story degrades from "main character" to "that random guy in the background"
It's rather sad how I've been listening to Angela Aki's "Kiss me Good-bye" for the last few months, but have not reached the point in the game where this song would be played.

Final Fantasy 3 - yeah, I know it's rather odd for me to be starting this before I was done w/12, but whatever; I can carry my NDS but not my PS2 *cough*
I've been enjoying it quite a bit... gameplay's pretty straightforward... blarg, can't really come up w/any other interesting comments

GuiltyGear Judgment - One of the more decent games that I have for PSP. It could be just me but... why the hell are these bosses so damn hard to beat, when all the other enemies are WAY too easy to kill!?

Uh, yeah, I think that was enough rant for the night, back to... uh, gaming or work? *sigh*

gaming, semi-rant

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