Little Women and Men In Black

Dec 23, 2009 20:21

Little Women and Men In Black

Short, concise description of the idea
Offer women or different race versions of Livejournal busts.

Full description of the idea
is a pale, white male with a blue shirt. I bet most users do not look like that. I don't.

What about a face color that is a neutral shade of peach/brown/yellow?.......anything but white.

What about choices for hair colors and styles?

Like userpics, why not let people pick the tiny person that is a better representation of themself.
An ordered list of benefits
  • Could be fun.
  • Women and people of races would be acknowledged.
  • Jazz up the old Livejournal bust.
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • Might get confused with
    (which is apparently a white man with a green shirt for official LJ people).
  • Won't be consistent and could confusing. Might not make every one happy with choices
  • How to implement and allow people to choose.

site images, user interface, § implemented, § no status

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