Re-subscribe to a deleted/changed-away tag if a new tag of the same name is made

Dec 02, 2009 21:58

Re-subscribe to a deleted/changed-away tag if a new tag of the same name is made

Short, concise description of the idea
If you are subscribed to a tag and that tag is deleted, then later a new tag of that same name is created, the subscription should pick back up unless you have made changes.

Full description of the idea
Currently, if you have subscribed to a tag in someone's journal, and they delete the tag or change the name of the tag, you are left with a broken subscription. If the user creates a new tag or renames a tag back to the same name you were subscribed to, your old subscription ought to be automatically re-activated it, provided you had not deleted it in the interim.
An ordered list of benefits
  • Would allow people to do tags management freely without worrying about messing things up for their subscribers.
  • More intuitive.
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • Would interfere with the ability for users to clear out "stalking" subscribers by deleting/renaming and then re-creating their tags.

subscription management, tags, § no status

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