Show Date Out of Order enabled status prominently when editing

Nov 17, 2009 02:27

Show Date Out of Order enabled status prominently when editing

Short, concise description of the idea
When the Date Out of Order option is ticked, show this status prominently on the Edit Journal page.

Full description of the idea
Amazingly enough, the new incarnation of the Update page, and therefore the new incarnation of the Edit Entry page, conceals the Date Out of Order checkbox until one clicks upon the Edit Time link. Thus, upon editing, an unwary user who is not wise to the ways of this particular user interface can be gulled into thinking that because this box is not immediately visible, it is not set.

This, of course, can lead to confusion, panic, entries not being on the friends page, unintentional wrong information being given to Support personnel, and updates from two years in the future.

To remedy, while a bright red flashing thing might be in order, a simple "Date Out of Order Enabled" text below the timestamp would work. Or even displaying the time with the edit bit already open.
An ordered list of benefits
  • Less confusion about which entries are Dated Out of Order
  • More accurate information being given to Support
  • People solving their own problems without need for intervention by someone who can view entryprops and tell them what's what
  • More intuitive user interface
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • Inconsistencies between the Update and Edit Entry page might pose a problem
  • One more thing to display that could confuse a user

user interface, date out of order / backdate, usability, entry editing, § no status

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