Lock and Unlock entries using the Lock pic!

Oct 10, 2009 18:10

Lock and Unlock entries using the Lock pic!

Short, concise description of the idea
Make your locked entries unlockable by clicking the picture of the lock beside the entry!

Full description of the idea
Instead of editing the entry, if you wanted to simply remove the security setting from any locked position to a fully public post, just click the lock icon beside the title of your journal (when you are logged in and viewing your own entries!).
An ordered list of benefits
  • Less clicking
  • Easier editing of LJ entries
  • more interactive feeling with LiveJournal!
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • Perhaps if you are passionate about a post, it might make it easier to "overshare" an entry without having a barrier to stop you from immediately unlocking an entry.

security, entry editing, § no status

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