Make LJ Search by language: e.g., search for only English-Language communites

Sep 21, 2009 21:55

Make LJ Search by language: e.g., search for only English-Language communites

Short, concise description of the idea
When users search for communities and journals by interest, they can now limit that search to include results in only certain languages that they choose.

Full description of the idea
Right now, a search for "interest = i-phone" turns up multiple communities in Russian; I don't understand Russian, and need to wade through lots of irrelevant (to my needs) communities.
An ordered list of benefits
  • +Ease of searching
    +More tailored results
    +Fewer users "giving up" on trying to find an appropriate community
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • -Possibly hard to implement, and may be able to choose between languages using the Roman vs. Cyrillic alphabet
  • -Possibly take longer to return results?

§ under review, internationalization, searches

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