New / Custom Entry Security Icons

Sep 04, 2009 05:09

New / Custom Entry Security Icons

Short, concise description of the idea
Updating or adding an option to customize the icons used for friends-only, custom security, and private entries.

Full description of the idea
The icons used now:

are, in my opinion, clunky and outdated looking. I would like to see them either updated to newer, better looking versions, and / or have the option added to upload your own (possibly a feature for those with Plus accounts and above).

A preview of this suggestion can be seen here: As that preview shows, this idea is currently possible with a Greasemonkey script, but that is obviously not accessible to all users.
An ordered list of benefits
  • Uniform icons make the page look alot smoother, and they should stand out less than the icons currently in use do.
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • The height of the images will have to closely match the font size used in the summary and entry information.

styles, s2, § no status

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