Add 'parent' and/or 'entire thread' options to the Recent Comments page

May 21, 2009 10:51

Add 'parent' and/or 'entire thread' options to the Recent Comments page

Short, concise description of the idea
Add comment context links to the Recent Comments page

Full description of the idea
The Recent Comments page ( lists comments in the order they were posted (as opposed to thread order). I find it super useful for high traffic journals or communities as keeping an eye on it saves you from having to subscribe to many individual posts.

The one disadvantage is that they are contextless - unlike emails, you can't see what they're replying to, which makes comments like 'I completely agree' or 'what a stupid idea' kind of meaningless. It would be great if next to 'Comment Link' and 'Reply' we also had a link to the 'Comment Parent' (as you do when browsing comments on a post) and/or 'Entire Thread' (as you do in email notifications).
An ordered list of benefits
  • Handy new option(s)
  • Mirrors navigation links available elsewhere
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • Can't think of any.

user interface, comments, § no status, comments: recent comments, comment threading

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