Journal Themes

Apr 01, 2009 23:32

Journal Themes

Short, concise description of the idea
A category for new theme releases.

Full description of the idea
If it's possible, I would like to see a link for Journal Themes titled 'New' in the side link list and have it updated for the latest 48 new themes posted.
An ordered list of benefits
  • Being able to have the new themes directly available, rather than having to go back through all the lists again and discovering the new ones.
  • (This is the biggest advantage that I can think of and therefore have no other suggestions for benefits.)
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • Too many themes at once and the update might be somewhat redundant.
  • Ensuring that the 'New' list is updated with each new theme.
  • Other theme creators protesting if one creator posts many at once.

user interface, styles: selection/customization interfac, styles, § no status

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