Number of Userpics

Mar 20, 2009 13:16

Number of Userpics

Short, concise description of the idea
I feel that the number of userpics a person has should not be limited as they are with those of us who have basic and plus accounts.

Full description of the ideaI have many userpics that I would like to add to my account, but I only have a limit of 15. There should be an unlimited amount ( Read more... )

userpics, upgrade unpaid features, § rejected

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thevelvetsun March 20 2009, 17:41:57 UTC
I don't get why these repeat requests that will never be approved are constantly posted.


azurelunatic March 20 2009, 17:45:36 UTC
A lot of times, it's because a previous poster has deleted a discussion because they didn't like the community feedback.

In this particular case, while there were other suggestions that covered increasing userpics, this was the only one that proposed unlimited userpics for everyone.


thevelvetsun March 20 2009, 17:52:47 UTC
I realize that this submission may be unique, but it will never ever ever be implemented. It's just taking up valuable screen space in the community.

This community is for LJ staff to read through to get ideas for possible new features, correct? So clogging it up with stuff that will never happen just makes it harder for the good submissions to be seen and implemented.


pauamma March 20 2009, 18:00:24 UTC
Even suggestions that LiveJournal users overwhelming don't like (whatever the reasons they don't - including because they're financially untenable as this one seems to be) are useful to keep, if only because the comments record *why* others don't like them.


thevelvetsun March 20 2009, 18:01:22 UTC
Then what are the criteria for any post being rejected?


pauamma March 20 2009, 18:18:30 UTC
I'm not a maintainer, but I would assume spam, trolling, duplicate suggestions, and things that don't belong (eg, someone suggesting a feature that already exists).


azurelunatic March 20 2009, 18:25:39 UTC
There are two types of rejection, really: being rejected from the suggestions queue, and being rejected after posting by staff.

Some reasons for rejection from the suggestions queue include:

Substantially duplicates another recent suggestion (this is often a judgment call)
Duplicates a historical suggestion without addressing/acknowledging problems brought up in the comments
Is something that should be handled by another department (support request, bug report) or is not a suggestion at all (there's some amazing random stuff that comes in)

There are some suggestions that come in that pass all of those basic tests but are still questionable for some reason or another. This can often lead to a quiet review with staff, to see whether it's a topic that would benefit from community discussion, or whether it's something that should be handled privately.

Previous incarnations of suggestions community/developer interface had what was essentially a best-of list being presented to developers. I liked that management model a lot.


thevelvetsun March 20 2009, 18:36:52 UTC
I think a best-of list would be very useful.

When someone makes a suggestion that free users should have more userpics and it gets overwhelmingly turned down, it seems pretty obvious that a suggestion for unlimited userpics would also get turned down. So in my eyes it counts as a duplicate. And not just a duplicate, a duplicate that won't ever be implemented. And if LJ staff wants to look at unpopular suggestions so they can see what not to do, there's already one there. I don't get why we need a duplicate of an unpopular suggestion when duplicates of popular suggestions get rejected.


foxfirefey March 20 2009, 19:01:58 UTC
I think this is much different, because it's unlimited userpics for everybody, not just increasing the limits for Basic/Plus. In that way, it affects Perm and Paid users, too, I suppose.


azurelunatic March 20 2009, 20:41:14 UTC
I'll keep that in mind going forward.


(The comment has been removed)

thevelvetsun March 20 2009, 18:38:15 UTC
It's really helpful to be able to point people towards an existing post with comments that outline why something is an unpopular or impractical idea.

Which is why I don't understand the point of accepting this new post, since we can already point people to why it's so unpopular.


sertrel March 20 2009, 20:39:57 UTC
I, for one, am glad to have this sort of amusement on a Friday afternoon. I enjoyed the good laugh I got out of it, particularly this thread.


rahaeli March 22 2009, 00:52:18 UTC
Personally, I'd rather not place azurelunatic in the position of having to make a judgement call about whether something will "never be approved" -- it's not a comfortable place to be.


pauamma March 22 2009, 02:42:08 UTC
Why? I mean, it's not like LJ's position on say, editing comments would ever change. :-)


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