Moderated community membership request should have watch option

Jan 27, 2009 15:32

Moderated community membership request should have watch option

Short, concise description of the idea
When requesting membership to a community that does not have open membership, watching the community should be presented as an option to parallel the open community join process.

Full description of the idea
Revisiting this historical suggestion, which has few drawbacks and has yet to be implemented:

When joining an open community, one is able to proceed to the next step and add the community to one's friends list to watch it. When one is requesting membership to a community without open membership, this option is not presented. This option should be added to make these line up better.
An ordered list of benefits
  • More consistent behavior
  • Fewer steps to remember
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • Confusion from the user trying to watch if the community locks all its entries, if someone doesn't understand that membership is required to see them.
  • Confusion from community maintainers/members if people are encouraged to watch a community that they aren't going to be admitted to

Edited for clarity: I of course meant moderated community, not closed.

user interface, community membership, § no status

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