Option to preview entry as it will display on Recent Entries or Friends pages

Jan 10, 2009 09:15

Option to preview entry as it will display on Recent Entries or Friends pages

Short, concise description of the idea
I would like to have the ability to preview an entry just as it will display on a Recent Entries or Friends page view, including whatever lj-cuts have been used.

Please note that this would be in addition to the current preview of the full entry, not a replacement of it. Sorry for any confusion I caused here. ^^;;

Full description of the idea
(I looked through the "entry creation" and "preview" tags but couldn't find a similar suggestion; my apologies if one does happen to exist.)

Right now, when you preview an entry prior to posting it, it displays the entire entry as it appears on the entry's individual page. However, there doesn't seem to be a way to preview the entry as it would appear on a Recent Entries or Friends page view, including whatever lj-cuts are in the entry.

The reason I would love to be able to do this is because I use lj-cuts a lot, and there have been many times when I placed the cut in the wrong part of the entry (especially one that contains HTML), such that the lj-cut appears in the wrong area -- or even not at all. Also, I try to format my lj-cut entries with whitespace so that they display "neater" on the pages, but sometimes, I have to experiment quite a bit just to get the whitespace and lj-cut tags in the right place. The ability to preview an entry containing the lj-cuts would likely resolve this.

As far as how to implement this, not entirely sure. Perhaps have an additional button either on the update.bml page or on the preview page, saying something to the effect of "Preview with lj-cuts." (If this would be on update.bml, then the regular "Preview" button could say "Full preview" or somesuch. Other ideas are welcome.
An ordered list of benefits
  • Possibly fewer b0rked entries containing lj-cuts.
  • Much more convenience in seeing how an entry will appear on a Friends or Recent Entries view without having to actually post the entry first.
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • As usual, the time and trouble to code and implement this.
  • It's too early in the morning, so though there are likely other drawbacks, I can't think of them atm.

previews, § no status

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