More than just Mood, Music and Location
Short, concise description of the idea
Is it possible to have a custom option added here?
Full description of the idea
I adore Mood, Music, and Location as part of my LJ posts. But there are times I wish I could add another option specific to an interest of mine.
NaNoWriMo Word Count: 17,000
Currently Reading: Brother's In Arms by BuJold
I'm sure LJ users could think of a dozen more without even trying.
An ordered list of benefits
- Writers could create a option for what page/book they're working on. Musicians could list where their next gig is.
- People could list what book they were reading or what stage they're in on their current Game. Perhaps what they're eating or drinking as they write their entries.
- It could be used for promotion, or just for fun.
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
- Not being a programmer, I have no idea. It might be more complex than I know.
- But thank you for taking the time to consider it.